What to do if you paid the wrong BTW amount
03.09.2019It may happen that you have overpaid or underpaid BTW - don’t worry, it’s okay, you can change your tax return and adjust the amount. And this is done electronically. To do this, you will need to find the 'Suppletie Omzetbelasting' form.
Such changes can be made not only for the current year, but also for the past five years. You can change your declaration as soon as you notice an inaccuracy. But you can do this at the end of the year when submitting the annual report. After making the changes, you will receive what you did not receive from the tax office or you will have to pay something if you paid less earlier.
Where can I find a form for changing the BTW amount?
To do this, you need to go to your personal account "Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk" on the tax website or on the old portal. You can get there by following the links to this page.
Changes can be made both for a certain period and for the whole year. In the first case, you enter data only for this period, in the second case, for the entire year.
What data need to be entered?
First, of course, the updated BTW data, but also the data that has remained the same.
If, as a result of your correction, you must receive or pay an additional 1000 euros or less, you do not have to submit a separate correction, but take these changes into account in the next declaration. This can also be done not only for the current year, but also for the past five years.
If you are using the kleineondernemersregeling rule, you will have different BTW change rules. You must file a correction after the end of the reporting year if:
- Used preliminary tax cuts in their tax returns during the year
- You have not used the prior tax cut during the year, but you are eligible
(Dan moet u na afloop van het jaar een correctie indienen als u:
- in de loop van het jaar voorlopige verminderingen in uw aangiften hebt toegepast
- in de loop van het jaar geen voorlopige verminderingen hebt toegepast, maar wel recht hebt op een vermindering)
How to make changes
Enter the amount payable or received on your tax return for the last tax period of the relevant year. Enter the amount in the field “Vraag 5d – Vermindering volgens de kleineondernemersregeling”.
If you have already submitted your return in the last period, please use the Suppletie omzetbelasting form. You can find it in your entrepreneur's personal account in the section "Overige formulieren" (other forms).