Sole proprietors (EMZ/ZZP) can reduce the taxable base for income tax by the amount of expenses, with...
The Netherlands strives to support families with children and low-income residents. Benefits can make life a lot easier...
Corporation Income Tax Act 1969 - Wet op de vennootschapsbelasting 1969 The Corporate Income Tax Act...
Primary and secondary schools in the Netherlands must adhere to the holiday schedule contained in the School Regulations...
The arbeidskorting tax credit is only available to working residents of the Netherlands. Employers take this into account...
Payments to the budget under Box 3 of the tax return are often called a wealth tax: under this box, taxes are taxed...
Have you received or given a gift or donated funds to charity? This leads to tax consequences! Etc...
Algemene heffingskorting is precisely a discount: it is deducted from the already calculated income tax (as opposed to...
If you are a Dutch tax resident and know that you owe taxes, you are required to file a tax return. Whole...
The Dutch tax system is quite complex and confusing; read more about it in our article. In this same article we co...
Various deductions allow Dutch residents to save on taxes. Under certain conditions, from the tax base...
From 2024, the rules for using the Combined Income-Related Tax Credit (Inkomensafhankelijke...) have changed.
Some Dutch people rent out rooms in houses and apartments they own, living there. The question arises about paying taxes...
Recently, many residents of the Netherlands began to receive letters from the tax office demanding that they fill out a Declaration of Peace...
Who are DGAs? DGA (Directeur-grootaandeelhouder) are employees or directors of companies who own a substantial (5% and ...
The Netherlands has far fewer public holidays than other European countries. At the same time, the law does not prescribe ...
In 2024, the legal minimum wage (wettelijk minimumloon - WML) will increase. Moreover, it is essential and...
Approximately three months after filing a tax return, the taxpayer receives a letter from the tax authorities (Belas...
Having submitted the declaration to the tax authorities, people begin to expect a quick response and tax refund. When will this commandment come...
How do you make the best financial decision for yourself? Of course, calculate the options and choose the best! Do ...
About all stages of ordering a subsidy request: from contacting us to receiving a response from the relevant authority. We will answer...
Employees are entitled to leave. Not everyone uses the entire vacation, often part of the vacation days remains in reserve ...
If you live in the Netherlands, you are required to report income from sources from all over the world on your tax return, then if ...
It is important for any taxpayer, and especially an entrepreneur, to constantly keep abreast of tax changes in countries...
In order to be considered a private entrepreneur (so-called ZZP* or EMZ*) in the Netherlands it is enough to be registered...
What is “small income”? In the Netherlands, amounts up to 15-16 thousand euros per year are considered small earnings. Obligation...
If you want to work in the NL as a self-employed person (EMZ - eenmanszaak) and still qualify for tax benefits,...
Starting with a new business, it is important for a company or an entrepreneur to quickly establish acceptance of payments from counterparties, as well as their ...
Depending on the circumstances of the taxpayer in the Netherlands, there are several forms for filing a tax return ...
When making a decision on issuing a residence permit (permit) or refusing to issue it, an important issue is the availability of...
In order to work in the Netherlands as a teacher/teacher, you must meet certain conditions and pass the award process...
The rules for engaging employees in work and providing them with rest are regulated by the Working Hours Act (Arbeidstijden...
As a general rule, no. If you are not an EU citizen, you will need a residence permit in order to live and work in the Netherlands.
If becomes your intermediair for filing your tax return, you will receive ...
Jaaropgaaf (jaaropgave) is a document issued to an employee by an employer confirming the employee's salary...
In the Netherlands, everyone is required to contribute to health care costs under the Health Act (Zorgverzek...
About all stages of filing a tax return: from contacting us to receiving a refund of overpaid taxes. We will answer...
In some cases, the costs of purchasing a home and its maintenance can be deducted from the tax base. If you do this...
If you plan to hire a new employee, you need to determine what kind of contract will be drawn up ...
An advance calculation is a preliminary calculation of a possible refund of taxes paid by a company or those taxes that ...
Parts of displaced persons from Ukraine who are subject to the EU Temporary Protection Directive (Richtlijn Tijdelijke ...
For Ukrainians who are fleeing the war, EU states, including the Netherlands, offer a temporary protection regime. After ...
We continue to inform you about the documents and means of identification required for foreigners to live in the Netherlands...
“Our electricity bills are rising. We must become less dependent on gas from Russia and fight climate change...
text in the Netherlands An employer who decides to hire Ukrainians should know two things: • The...
text in Russian below If you have created any rating of requests from refugees, then the topic of travel has gone away...
We receive a lot of questions concerning the numbering of invoices. For example: Why does the tax office care ...
In connection with the situation in Ukraine, we receive a lot of questions about charitable contributions. Do they reduce tax...
Establishing the identity of the employee that the company hires is a prerequisite for hiring. It's right...
If you are investing in environmentally friendly business assets and technologies, then you can qualify for the eco-investment...
From next year, office buildings larger than 100 m2 will have to be rated C or higher. Level...
If you sell a product or service to a non-profit customer, then you are subject to consumer protection laws ...
Why should I know this? If you have this question immediately after you skimmed over the title, then you ...
You asked us for a long time to review our tax education videos in the Netherlands with a focus on Box 3. We ...
You have decided to take a very big step - you start your business in the Netherlands. There are many questions before you. One of them ...
Voorlopige aanslag is a preliminary calculation and payment of taxes not yet accrued to you and, on the other hand, receiving n ...
With our API you can check an unlimited number of BTW numbers. Checking BTW numbers for validity is nec...
Anyone who lives in the Netherlands knows very well that with any phone call, for example, to make an appointment ...
Wages and labor relations are a complex and multifaceted topic. From time to time in our articles we stop at ...
If you are a citizen of a country belonging to the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland ...
You are a business owner in the Netherlands, and a temporary worker has come to you on a business trip from a company registered in other ...
Various options for accepting payments at the moment are one of the most demanded services for international offline and ...
The new card model complies with European standards: in the lower right corner you will see the EU flag and the letters NL in the center of the flag ...
Submitted by - Collection of useful articles and materials about the Netherlands. (For citizens of Russia / Republics ...
The pension in the Netherlands consists of 3 different parts: Part 1: Standard pension - AOW This is an automatic pension...
Income tax in the Netherlands consists of three boxes. Box 1 includes income from work and own li...
4 mandatory conditions that must be met to receive 30% ruling. It is necessary to have a work...
Partial tax residency is a special, non-standard type of tax residency that exists only in the Netherlands. E...
There are 2 types of tax residency in the Netherlands: Domestic tax resident and foreign tax resident.
We wrote about the conditions you must meet to qualify for a short-term business visa here. Ka...
About what documents are required to apply for a short-term business visa and what conditions you must meet ...
Extension of a short-term visa You can extend your Schengen visa or free stay period only in special cases...
Before sending travel workers to work in the Netherlands, they must be registered with the state ...
Any developing business at some point grows to the need to hire assistants. And, of course, the future employer ...
In the previous article, we sorted out different types of labor relations, and now we will figure out in which case, which method ...
From March 1, 2020, foreign builders, cleaning workers, agricultural workers and many other obligations ...
Part one. Where are you from and what passport do you hold? I am an EU citizen and I hold an EU passport. I want to work ...
A reminder for an individual entrepreneur who has come on a business trip to the Netherlands You are an individual...
We continue to consider residence permits in the Netherlands in more detail. We remind you that our review article about them you ...
Losing Dutch citizenship You can lose Dutch citizenship in a number of ways. In some cases, ...
Family reunification is one of the grounds for a non-EU citizen to be entitled to ...
The "European Route" or, as it is often called, the "Belgian Route" is the name of a legal method of circumventing Dutch rights ...
Minimum income for an application for a permanent residence permit from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022 ...
Standard income requirements for medical treatment Minimum income requirements for residence permit application for...
Minimum income requirement for Au Pair residence permit application from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022: Accept...
The minimum amount of income to apply for a residence permit as a self-employed person from January 1, 2022 to ...
The minimum income to apply for a residence permit as a researcher, trainee doctor or...
Standard Required Income Amounts for Highly Qualified Migrants and for European Blue Card applicants in ...
Minimum income for the guarantor-applicant for a short-stay visa to the Netherlands from 1 July 2021 to 31 December ...
The minimum amount of income for an application for a residence permit for an internship or obtaining ...
Minimum Income Amount (Gross) for an Application for a Residence Permit for Paid Work by Selected Profess ...
Standard amounts of income required to apply for a residence permit to study in the Netherlands in 2022 ...
The minimum amount of income for an application for a residence permit for residence with a family member from January 1, 2022 to 30 and ...
Cost of filing an application for naturalization When you apply for naturalization, you must pay for the application for ...
Step-by-step plan for those who have just arrived You have signed a work contract, notified relatives and friends about the move...
We offer you a list of important and useful resources (websites) that will help you with various issues, if ...
If you plan to come to the Netherlands for a maximum of 90 days, then you usually need to apply for a short-stay visa. Well...
What it is? E-Herkenning, on the one hand, is a means of user verification, and on the other hand, it is a tool to ...
Fiscal partner The concept of fiscal partnership is very important when calculating taxes, sub...
Research & development (R&D) activities are carried out by companies of a wide variety of ...
On this page, you can order the service of notifying the tax authorities about the entrepreneur's bank account in order to receive cash...
Spring is the time of nature awakening and... the period of filing tax returns! Dear friends! The first month of spring is coming to an end...
Recently, more and more questions have arisen from our readers about the concept of goodwill. What is it,...
What if your employee has a circumstance in connection with which he cannot go to work? Do you have to ...
Simple accounting: 5 tips for entrepreneurs on bookkeeping. July is another month for entrepreneurs...
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More about the service
The need to analyze the norms of Dutch law, the risks of a transaction or a particular legal document may arise ...
Do you buy BV shares or take ownership of shares in a Dutch legal entity? Our corporate consultants ...
Legal entities doing business in the Netherlands invariably face a certain amount of corporate document flow ...
We have extensive experience in the preparation and review of all types of agreements (contracts) that any ...
Confidence and calmness is probably exactly what every business owner would like to feel when he ...
Protesting (Dutch: bezwaar) against Belastingdienst decisions is a common service that helps protect inter ...
Every company in the Netherlands has a registered office address (bezoekadres) and may also have a separate postal address (...
Our clients include a large percentage of companies and entrepreneurs engaged in technology, development, IT hard ...
The Dutch tax regime is one of the factors for which international businessmen, investors and asset owners ...
Everything in our life flows and changes, and if for some reason you decide to emigrate from the Netherlands to another country, ...
Property transfer tax (overdrachtsbelasting, Dutch transfer tax) is faced by almost every resident of Nid ...
Basic Health Insurance Cost/Monthly Premium for 2021 It was mentioned earlier that on November 12...
Who must be covered by basic health insurance in the Netherlands Basic health insurance (basis...
You can immediately reassure our clients - being in the status of a private entrepreneur registered in the Netherlands, and ...
Rouhling, aka 30% regeling, is a tax credit designed to (financially) make it easier for an expat to move to the Netherlands ....
On September 27, 2020, the register of ultimate beneficial owners of legal entities was introduced in the Netherlands. The ultimate beneficial owner...
Business bank accounts in the Netherlands Dutch first line banks: ING, ABN-AMRO and Rabobank The Netherlands is a highly developed...
How is giving from inheritance different? Inheritance is a one-way process representing an order from ...
How to request additional maternity leave (aanvullend geboorteverlof)? The request must go to the employer ...
The Netherlands is one of the three European countries in terms of high indicators of economic stability, social protection system for ...
The purpose of this law is to make the hiring of permanent staff more profitable for employers. It's no secret that many ...
Firing employees, alas, is also part of the business owner's concerns. The reasons may be different, and this does not always happen l ...
In some cases, as an employer, you understand that your employees just need a work phone. And sometimes ...
Once you decide to hire staff, you, as an employer, must withhold payroll taxes from the salaries of your employees ...
It may happen that you overpaid or underpaid BTW - don't worry, it's okay, you can change your deck ...
When registering with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (it does not matter what exactly you are registering your company or ...
In the Netherlands, it is customary to compensate your employees for travel to and from work, but this is not an obligation...
And there is also a BSN number and an RSIN number ... It will not take long to get confused, especially if the abbreviations do not say anything to our foreign ...
Taxes in IP are not humane. Nevertheless, there is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to reduce the taxable amount ...
In fact, it is allowed to import quite a lot, however, pay attention to what you will then export back. P...
Every employee is entitled to vacation and weekend holidays. Collected here are the answers to the 7 most frequently asked questions ...
When going on vacation or a business trip to a country outside the EU, and buying something there, make sure that on the way back ...
Do you want to provide the tax office with your foreign account number? There may be several reasons for this: You have received a letter...
Many tourists (and not only tourists) have the question of how to get back the VAT they paid when buying goods in NL ...
Individuals You can request a deferral (uitstel) in your personal account at using your DigiD. ...
Edited 12.05.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX The topic of taxes is not easy even in your home country, let alone immigration and life in other...
Every person who decided to open his own business first of all thinks about what form of ownership you want him to ...
Individuals over 18 years of age are tax residents in the Netherlands. In exceptional cases, they can also be ...
Working on Sunday is becoming more and more common. In some industries, entrepreneurs have to follow ...
Not everyone is able to spend Christmas at home. Workers in some industries cannot afford it. Here you can about ...
There are certain requirements for obtaining a visa or residence permit in an IP, including salary. They can ...
So, you registered your company, started working and you need to issue an invoice for the service provided or sold ...
In a new country, it is not so easy to figure out what and to whom to contact. The presence of some specialists or service ...
Edited 17.02.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX If you are starting a business, one option is to register a legal entity in the form of...
Turnkey company registration.
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