How to activate machtiging - BV
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How to activate your power of attorney (machtiging) code for

You have received a letter from the tax office called Registration machtiging intermediair goedkeuren. The letter contains power of attorney activation code (machtiging) to confirm our authority as your intermediary (intermediair). More about machtiging in our article.

(Instructions for filling out are located under the form)

Activation of the power of attorney code

Activating your power of attorney code for


successRequest completed successfully!

warning Unfortunately, it was not possible to activate the power of attorney. Don’t worry, upload a photo of the letter with the code to the form using the link: Form for downloading a power of attorney and we ourselves will activate your power of attorney.

warningError, BSN is invalid!

warningError, invalid activation code!

warning Re-execution of the request is available via  (minutes)!

successBSN is already activated!


To activate the power of attorney, follow the instructions:

Registration machtiging intermediair goedkeuren

  1. Open the letter from the IRS. Find the page with the QR code. In the title of this page you will find the word machtiging.
  2. Find the number on this page BSN (on line Uw RSIN/fiscaal nummer/BSN) and activation code (activating code).
  3. Enter your BSN and activation code into the appropriate fields on our form. Please note: there is no letter O in the codes, there is only the number zero!
  4. Click the "Activate” and wait for about 30 seconds (if some error occurs, activation will take longer).
  5. After that, for specialists, the status of your power of attorney will be displayed as active.
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