Opgaaf wereldinkomen - Worldwide income statement
26.01.2024Recently, many residents of the Netherlands began to receive letters from the tax authorities requiring them to fill out a World Income Declaration. In Dutch this declaration is called Opgaaf wereldinkomen or Wereldinkomen aangifte. Why is this happening? For example, World household income is used to calculate subsidies; if you requested a subsidy, you can receive such a request. If you received temporary protection benefits, you may also receive this letter. But this is only part of the reasons why the tax office sends a request to file Opgaaf wereldinkomen. Let's find out what kind of declaration this is:
Opgaaf wereldinkomen is filled only for one person. If you have a fiscal partner and the tax office is interested in his income, he will receive a separate letter.
World income includes all income, both earned in the Netherlands and abroad. The report shows both gains and losses so you can determine your total income, which affects your benefits and taxes.
The title page of the Declaration form that you received indicates the address to which you must send the completed and signed form and the date by which the tax office must receive it. Belastingdienst is currently collecting declarations for 2022 and previous years. If the report is not sent in a timely manner, the taxpayer may be subject to penalties.
If you do not have time to submit your return on time, you must request a deferral of filing from the tax office. You can request a deferment according to the instructions posted on the Belastingdienst website.
If you have lost the declaration form sent to you or want to change the submitted data, the form can be download from the tax authorities website.
If you do not have foreign income and property, you will most likely be able to complete the Opgaaf wereldinkomen on your own. If such income and property exist, problems may arise.
Nalog.nl is ready to assist you in filling out the Profit and Loss Declaration worldwide. Those who filed a tax return for 2022 through our company will receive a discount of 120 euros, since we already have and processed a significant part of your data. Order the service for filing a World Income Declaration and it will be completed correctly and submitted to the tax authorities in a timely manner.