Glossary of terms - BV
Home Glossary of terms

On this page, we have collected for you the most common terms and abbreviations in the Dutch tax world. The pages are constantly updated and if you come across an abbreviation or a word that you do not understand and is not in our dictionary, you can ask a question about it and we will supplement our small list.

Word Value
KVK – Kamer van Koophandel Chamber of Commerce NL
AOW – Algemene Ouderdomswet Retirement age law AOW leeftijd - retirement age
Allowance Subsidy
Bijslag Surcharge
Payment Allowance
Tax credit Tax rebate
Discount Discount
General tax credit General tax credit
Deduction Tax deduction
Employed person's tax credit Employed tax rebate
Verzamel inkomen Joint income (fiscal partners)
Premium Volksverzekeringen Health insurance premium
Study costs Study costs
threshold Threshold
volunteers Volunteers
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