Corporation Tax Act 1969 - Wet op de vennootschapsbelasting 1969 Wage Tax Act...
Who are DGAs? DGA (Directeur-grootaandeelhouder) are employees or directors of companies who own a substantial (5% and ...
It is important for any taxpayer, and especially an entrepreneur, to constantly keep abreast of tax changes in countries...
Starting with a new business, it is important for a company or an entrepreneur to quickly establish acceptance of payments from counterparties, as well as their ...
The rules for engaging employees in work and providing them with rest are regulated by the Working Hours Act (Arbeidstijden...
If you plan to hire a new employee, you need to determine what kind of contract will be drawn up ...
Establishing the identity of the employee that the company hires is a prerequisite for hiring. It's right...
From next year, office buildings larger than 100 m2 will have to be rated C or higher. Level...
Wages and labor relations are a complex and multifaceted topic. From time to time in our articles we stop at ...
Various options for accepting payments at the moment are one of the most demanded services for international offline and ...
Recently, more and more questions have arisen from our readers about the concept of goodwill. What is it,...
What if your employee has a circumstance in connection with which he cannot go to work? Do you have to ...
Simple Bookkeeping: 5 Tips for Entrepreneurs on Accounting. July - for entrepreneurs yet another ...
Every company in the Netherlands has a registered office address (bezoekadres) and may also have a separate postal address (...
On September 27, 2020, a register of ultimate beneficiaries of legal entities was launched in the Netherlands. Ultimate Beneficiary ...
Business bank accounts in the Netherlands Dutch first line banks: ING, ABN-AMRO and Rabobank The Netherlands is a highly developed...
The purpose of this law is to make the hiring of permanent staff more profitable for employers. It's no secret that many ...
Firing employees, alas, is also part of the business owner's concerns. The reasons may be different, and this does not always happen l ...
In some cases, as an employer, you understand that your employees just need a work phone. And sometimes ...
Once you decide to hire staff, you, as an employer, must withhold payroll taxes from the salaries of your employees ...
It may happen that you overpaid or underpaid BTW - don't worry, it's okay, you can change your deck ...
When registering with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (it does not matter what exactly you are registering your company or ...
In the Netherlands, it is customary to compensate your employees for travel to and from work, but this is not an obligation...
And there is also a BSN number and an RSIN number ... It will not take long to get confused, especially if the abbreviations do not say anything to our foreign ...
Every employee is entitled to vacation and weekend holidays. Collected here are the answers to the 7 most frequently asked questions ...
Every person who decided to open his own business first of all thinks about what form of ownership you want him to ...
Working on Sunday is becoming more and more common. In some industries, entrepreneurs have to follow ...
Not everyone is able to spend Christmas at home. Workers in some industries cannot afford it. Here you can about ...
So, you registered your company, started working and you need to issue an invoice for the service provided or sold ...
Edited on 17.02.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX If you are creating a business, one of the options is to register a legal entity in the form ...
Turnkey company registration.
We advise on business and tax matters in the Netherlands, as well as private matters
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