Kinderopvangtoeslag – reimbursement of costs for kindergarten and BSO
Kinderopvangtoeslag is a partial reimbursement subsidy for kindergarten and out-of-school care during school weeks (Buitenschoolse opvang tijdens schoolweken - BSO). BSO are extended day groups for schoolchildren from 4 to 12 years old.
Conditions for receiving a subsidy:
- Both parents must be working, either taking an integration course or participating in an employment program;
- The child attends a childcare facility registered with the National Childcare Register (Landelijk Register Kinderopvang - LRK);
- The parent applying and the child are registered in the municipality at the same address and actually live there;
- The parent is willing to personally pay part of the cost of attending a kindergarten or BSO. The benefit does not cover the cost of childcare in full;
- Payment for the institution is made from the personal account of the parent of the child.
You will be able to receive the benefit in full if you send a request within 3 months from the start of the child's kindergarten visit. If the application is submitted later, the benefit will only be paid for the 3 months prior to the date of application.
If you have any changes (address of residence, conditions for visiting a children's institution, changes in income, changes in family situation, etc.), you must promptly report these changes to the tax office. Option for you "Change".
To order this service, please fill out the form below.
Kinderopvangtoeslag subsidy order for 2025
- €
Suitable for you if
You didn't ask for it and would like to ask.
- €
Suitable for you if
You requested it before and you would like to make changes to it (address of residence, conditions for attending a children's institution, changes in income, changes in family situation, etc.)
- €
Suitable for you if
You would like to stop payments so you don't have to pay them back later.
You have not selected a service type
To place an order, you need to select the type of service!