Kinderbijslag - child benefit - BV

Kinderbijslag - child allowance

Who is eligible for this benefit?

Kinderbijslag - child allowance. It applies to any child under 18 legally residing in the Netherlands. A child may be deprived of benefits if he left school at the age of 16-18.

Attention! For citizens under temporary protection:

If the child's parents are under temporary protection, at least one of them must be officially employed in order to apply for the Kinderbijslag. Otherwise, we will not be able to request a subsidy for their child.

When are payments made?

This benefit is paid on the first day 1 time per quarter.

Payments will begin on the first of the quarter following the quarter in which your child was born (or registered). That is, if you arrived, for example, on February 20th, payments will begin on April 1st. And payments will stop in the quarter when your child turns 18.

How much can you expect?

The size of the kinderbijslag does not depend on the income of the parents and their social status. The only thing that determines the amount of quarterly payments is the age of the child. In the third quarter of 2024, the following kinderbijslag sizes apply:

  • For children from 0 to 5 years old - €281,69 for one child
  • From 6 to 11 years old - €342,05 for one child
  • From 12 to 17 years old - €402,41 for one child.

The government is obliged to revise the amount of benefits depending on the level of inflation. Stay tuned for the kinderbijslag size changes.

The benefit is paid by the Social Security Service (sociale verzekeringsbank - SVB). Kinderbijslag usually asks the municipality (gemeente) when registering a child. If he was born in the Netherlands, this happens automatically. If you come with a child, it may turn out that the municipality will miss this, then you will have to take care of the assignment of the allowance yourself.

Important! Pay attention to whose name this manual is issued. This will matter if the parents decide to divorce, as the same parent will still receive the allowance. Not only that, other child subsidies will also be tied to it.

To request a kinderbijslag, you need to apply on the SVB website. The application is submitted by one of the parents (working). A DigiD number is required to submit.

You can do it yourself or contact us, we will help you request payments.

If you apply for a subsidy in - DigiD number is not needed, we fill out a paper form.

Please note that without the Kinderbijslag it is not possible to request other child support.

To order this service, please fill out the form below.


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