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At what income do you lose the right to subsidies in 2023?

The maximum thresholds for annual income at which you can qualify for subsidies in 2023 have become known. It's about thresholds...

The maximum thresholds for annual income at which you can qualify for subsidies in 2023 have become known. We are talking about the income thresholds for receiving huurtoeslag (subsidies for rental housing), zorgtoeslag (subsidies for health insurance) and kindgebonden budget (support for the maintenance of children under 18 years old).

Rent allowance 

Read what huurtoeslag is, and apply for this subsidy through Nalog.nl You can here. In 2023, the following income thresholds are set for eligibility for a rental subsidy:

  • 33.747 euros for a person who lives alone;
  • 67.494 euros for support partners (toeslagpartners);
  • 33.747 euros for cohabitants (medebewoners).
Note! You can get more information about the concepts mentioned above on the website of the tax service:
  1. Who is considered a welfare partner - allowance partner?
  2. Who is a partner (medebewoner) in terms of tax?
  3. Concept differentiation welfare partner and cohabitant.

Zorgtoeslag and kindgebonden budget

You can read what zorgtoeslag is and apply for this subsidy through Nalog.nl here. Kindgebonden budget information and inquiry service – here. In addition to annual income, when determining eligibility for these two types of state assistance, assets (savings and savings that fall into Box 3). Total in Boxing 3 is allowed 127.582 euros for one person and 161.329 euros for support partners (toeslag partners). You can read more about this in «government newspaper».

How can I stay eligible for subsidies?

First, check now that your capital does not exceed the allowable maximum at which you can qualify for subsidies. Second, if it exceeds, take action! What can be done? There are many options: we are ready to tell you about them on individual consultations. And hurry up - until January 1, 2023 there is not much time left!

Publication Date: 17.11.2022


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