"New rules for social assistance and accommodation" - now everything is clear! - Nalog.nl B.V.
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“New rules for social assistance and accommodation” – now everything is clear!

On November 16, the official government website of the Netherlands published an information bulletin entitled "New rules for social assistance and accommodation" for refugees ...

The official government site The Netherlands on November 16 published an information bulletin entitled "New rules for social assistance and accommodation" for refugees from Ukraine. It is noteworthy that it was released in three languages: Dutch, English and Ukrainian. This document finally dots the i's regarding changes in social payments to Ukrainian refugees from December 1, 2022 and February 1, 2023.

For the past couple of weeks, Ukrainians in the Netherlands have been concerned about rumors of a reduction in leefgeld payments. On this occasion, the Nalog.nl team gave some preliminary clarifications, and now everything can be read in the official source in their native language. To view the document, go to link.

***Note: The document is an excerpt from the Reception Scheme for Displaced Persons from Ukraine (Regeling opvang ontheemden Oekraïne – RooO).

Main changes since December 1st:

  • Refugees requiring long-term care, such as in a clinic or hospital, will receive social assistance for clothing and personal expenses. It will amount to 56,12 euros.
  • For voluntary (volunteer) work in a municipal shelter, you will receive a fee of 14 euros per week.
  • If you are away from the shelter for more than 28 days, the municipality may deprive you of your place of residence and social benefits.

Main changes since February 1:

  • The food allowance (previously €205 per person) will depend on the size of your family. The more people in your family, the lower the amount per person.
  • The amount for clothing and personal expenses (previously 55 euros per person) will be increased to 56,12 euros per person per month.
  • If you live with a host family, you will receive living assistance (previously €215 per adult and €55 per minor) of €93 per person per month.
  • If a person aged 18 or over goes to work, then family living allowances will stop.



The fact sheet provides clarification on a number of important issues. In particular, the definition of the concept of "family" is given, and it is also explained why social payments will be established in this amount.

We hope that the worries and uncertainty about payouts are over. However, we advise you to continue to follow the news - we promise to inform you as soon as possible.

Publication date: 18.11.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX


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