Medical care for Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands: Q&A - BV
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Medical care for Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands: question and answer

From July 1, 2022, a new medical care scheme for Ukrainian refugees (so-called displaced persons) - Regeling...

From July 1, 2022, a new medical care scheme, Regeling Medische zorg Ontheemden (RMO), begins to operate for Ukrainian refugees (the so-called displaced persons). Unemployed Ukrainians will be able to access a wider range of medical services, including dental, no longer under the CAK system, which in the Netherlands applies to uninsured people. For working Ukrainians, compulsory medical insurance is canceled: they will be able to choose between RMO and medical insurance.

On the official government website On June 24.06.2022, XNUMX, clarifications were published regarding the conditions of medical care for Ukrainian refugees. Let's consider the main points. See also about innovations in the field of medical care for Ukrainians.

  • What is RMO?

Regeling Medische zorg Ontheemden (RMO) is the Displaced Persons Medical Regulations. They almost completely comply with the Regeling Medische zorg Asielzoekers (RMA) Health Care Regulations for Asylum Seekers. Read more about it in our article.

  • Who is covered by the RMO?

From July 1, 2022, under the RMO scheme, medical services will be available to all Ukrainian refugees under the temporary protection of the Netherlands who have received a BSN number.

  • What is included in the RMO package?

An overview of the basic health care package Zorgverzekeringswet (Zvw) can be found here:. From July 1, 2022, medical care from the basic package will be paid for under the RMO scheme. Some services that are not included in the basic package will also be reimbursed. These are, for example, dental services up to 250 euros, the cost of an abortion, the purchase of prescription glasses and hearing aids, as well as some medicines.

  • Are expenses for contraception and termination of pregnancy reimbursed for Ukrainian refugees?

Will be reimbursed from July 1, 2022, when the RMO scheme becomes operational.

  • How to register and receive medical care during pregnancy?

To do this, contact the nearest obstetric practice. You can find it here:. For emergency assistance call 112.

  • What should a worker with a health insurance obligation do?

The health insurance obligation (zorgverzekering) for people under temporary protection is lifted. Workers from August 1 are not required to open health insurance because they are also covered by the RMO.

Health insurance companies terminate health insurance policies that have already been taken out. If you are already insured, then on August 1, your policyholder will automatically close your health insurance. You will receive a letter stating that as of August 1st, your insurance will stop. At the same time, you still have the right to choose: you can leave health insurance, but this is in almost all cases unprofitable. The RMO does not require a monthly fee or an annual "own risk" (eigen risico) fee. More about health insurance in the Netherlands - in our article.

RMO coverage is wider than the basic health insurance package. But if you decide to keep health insurance, then you have the right to request a subsidy for it - healthcare allowance.

  • What about people who have not received a BSN number?

If the doctor cannot find the Ukrainian refugee number in the declaration system (RMO number), he will send an invoice for the medical services provided to the CAK system. That is, in such cases, Medical Benefit Scheme for Uninsured Individuals (SOV), which is used until July 1, 2022 for all Ukrainian refugees.

  • How can a Ukrainian refugee get vaccinated against COVID-19?

This can be done at one of the GGD vaccination points free of charge by appointment (phone 0800 7070) or without it. For details on where in the Netherlands you can get the coronavirus vaccine without an appointment, read here: (information in English).

  • What about vaccinations for children?

Children from Ukraine receive vaccinations against polio, measles, rubella and so on, including through national vaccination program. Read more about vaccinations for children in the Netherlands in our article.

Publication date: 01.07.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX


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