Procedure for obtaining a short-term business visa

Read about what documents are required to apply for a short-term business visa and what conditions you must meet in order to get it. here.

You can get a visa at the Dutch mission where you applied. A short stay visa is a Type C visa. It will appear on your passport as a sticker.

When you enter the Netherlands, you may be checked again. Therefore, it is recommended that you have with you all the information and documents required to apply for a visa.

Valid term of a visa

A short-term visa is valid for no more than 90 days. You will receive a visa for the number of days that you indicated in the application. If the period of stay on your visa is at least 90 days, then you can calculate it on a calculator. how much you comply with the 90/180 day rule (you have the right to stay in the Schengen area for 90 days in any 180 day period).


A short stay visa (type C) states:

  • From what date is the visa valid (from that day you can travel to the Schengen area).
  • How many days are you allowed to stay in the Schengen area.
  • From what date the visa is no longer valid (in this case, you must be outside the Schengen area).
  • Is it possible to enter the Schengen area once (single entry) or several times (multiple entry) with a valid visa.

Time of stay

There are two types of short-term visas:

  1. Single entry visa with a maximum validity period of 90 days. This allows you to stay in the Netherlands / Schengen area once for a maximum of 90 days.
  2. Multiple visa with a maximum validity period of 5 years. This allows you to stay in the Netherlands / Schengen area for a maximum of 90 days out of 180 days. It doesn't have to be consistent. You can also redistribute this. But you can never stay in the Netherlands / Schengen area for more than 90 days out of 180 days.

The following applies to both visas: if you have been in the Netherlands or one of the Schengen countries for 90 consecutive days, you must wait at least 90 days before you can return to the Schengen area. Using the short stay calculator (on our website under the Tourism subsection) and on the European Commission website, you can calculate how many days you can stay in the Schengen area after you enter. You can also use this tool to plan your trip.

The right to work

If you want to work in the Netherlands during a short stay, your employer may need a work permit (TWV). The employer must apply for this at UWV. This also applies if you are doing volunteer work or doing unpaid work. In addition, you may need the Burgerservicenummer (BSN), which is analogous to the Russian TIN (the municipality issues it when you register with the non-resident registration system (RNI). For more information, visit the website of the municipality where you live / work.

No entry

After your visa expires, you need to leave the Netherlands and the Schengen area. If you don't, you could get a European travel ban. This does not apply to EU / EEA citizens and their family members.

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