Jump on the last carriage - apply for subsidies 2021 - Nalog.nl BV
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Hurry up to jump on the last train - submit a request for subsidies 2021

The tax office (Belastingdienst) reminds that the deadline for applying for subsidies for 2021 is September 1, 2022. However, 10%...

The tax office (Belastingdienst) reminds that the deadline for applying for subsidies for 2021 expires September 1, 2022. However, 10% of people eligible for huurtoeslag or zorgtoeslag never applied for these subsidies. "Do you want to leave money to the state?", the tax authorities ask. And we, the Nalog.nl team, join this rhetorical question.

Subsidy request

To check if you qualify for a rent subsidy (huurtoeslag) or health insurance (zorgtoeslag), you can use guidelines on the website of the tax office. You can also use online tool make a test calculation of the payments due to you and fill in the relevant forms grant applications.

Attention! You can go the simpler way - do subsidy request through Nalog.nl. The tax service itself recommends using the help of professional consultants in cases where it is not possible to resolve the issue of subsidies on its own.

Important information about subsidies:

We encourage you to find out if you qualify for 2021 grants today. And if so, then immediately make a request!

Publication date: 20.07.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX


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