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How can a refugee from Ukraine obtain medical insurance?

Since April 1, refugees from Ukraine have been allowed to work for hire. This applies to refugees who reside in the Netherlands on the basis of...

Since April 1, refugees from Ukraine have been allowed to work for hire. This applies to refugees who are residing in the Netherlands under the EU Temporary Protection Directive. Moreover, having this “special status of temporary protection”, Ukrainians can not only work, but also undergo internships, learning a specialty already in the process of work, or be volunteers. But first you need to register with the gemeente (municipality) and get a BSN number (state registration number, or service number of a citizen).

  •   you got a job

So you you need to take out basic health insurance and pay insurance premiums. To apply for a policy, you need:

  1.   Labor contract,
  2.   Citizen Service Number (BSN),
  3.     Address in the Netherlands (the one in the BRP database),
  4.   Bank account.
  •   You are not working

In this case, the costs of your treatment are paid directly to doctors or hospitals from the budget. A program to subsidize essential medical care for uninsured individuals. And if you have refugee status, these funds go to medical professionals in accordance with the Asylum Seekers Health Care Regulations (RMA). You don't have to pay anything for medical care.

  •   You are a trainee

If refugee undergoing training in a company and the compensation (salary) during this time equals or exceeds the Dutch minimum wage, then the insurance obligation also applies to you, you must take out basic insurance. you can find minimum wage on government website or in our article on the subject: Minimum wage in the Netherlands from 1 January 2022 - Nalog.nl BV

  •   You are a volunteer

If Ukrainian is engaged in volunteer activitiesthe rules stated on the website apply. Social Insurance Bank (SVB). And your insurance depends on the amount of work, the amount of remuneration and is determined by the Long Term Care Act (Wet langdurige zorg - Wlz). In particular, if you receive remuneration for your work in the charitable sector in the amount of more than 1800 euros per year, then you are no longer considered a volunteer and must be insured on a general basis.


Registering in a municipal personal data base (BRP) in a municipality does not mean living in the Netherlands, so you are not allowed to take out Dutch basic insurance on the basis of having received an entry in the register. A work contract is required. More information, including in Ukrainian, you will find here:


Do you have a question about medical or insurance reimbursement? Call the national health insurance line free of charge on 0800-64 64 644 or +31 88 900 6960 (if calling from abroad).

What insurance package to choose?

It depends on income and, of course, on the state of health and special medical needs. But the general rules are:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the health insurance system in the Netherlands: Health insurance in the Netherlands (part 1) - Nalog.nl BV, Health insurance in the Netherlands (part 2) - Nalog.nl BV
  2. Find out what is included in the Basic Health Insurance Package: https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/zorgverzekering/vraag-en-antwoord/wat-zit-er-in-het-basispakket-van-de-zorgverzekering.
  3. Decide what the size of the deductible, i.e. own cover (eigen risico), you are ready to pay during the year (the standard mandatory amount for 2022 is 385 euros per person, but more is possible).
  4. Compare offers from different insurance companies.
  5. Decide how much you are willing to pay for insurance per month.
  6. If you are over 18 years old and your income is not high enough, you can qualify for a health care subsidy (zorgtoeslag). Read more - https://www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/nl/zorgtoeslag/zorgtoeslag.


A health insurance subsidy (zorgtoeslag) is a government tax subsidy to help pay for basic health insurance and deductibles and is intended for people on low (or moderate) incomes. The amount of the subsidy you may qualify for depends on your income and living situation. Our consultants and materials on our website will help you figure out what kind of subsidy you are entitled to: https://www.nalog.nl/vse-uslugi/chastnym-licam/zapros-subsidij/zorgtoeslag/.
Publication Date: 04.05.2022


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