What was included in the eleventh package of EU sanctions against Russia? - Nalog.nl B.V.
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What was included in the eleventh package of EU sanctions against Russia?

The European Union has adopted a new package of sanctions in connection with the ongoing Russian aggression in Ukraine. Sanctions are seen as an element of pressure on...

The European Union has adopted a new package of sanctions in connection with the ongoing Russian aggression in Ukraine. Sanctions are considered as an element of pressure on the Russian Federation in order to end the war. To a large extent, the eleventh sanctions package should block the ways to circumvent restrictions through third countries. In particular, the possibilities for applying measures of influence to participants in the circumvention of sanctions have been expanded.

Who is included in the new sanctions list?

New individuals and organizations have been added to the sanctions list: 

  • military; 
  • propagandists; 
  • members and supporters of the private military company Wagner; 
  • persons involved in the abductions of Ukrainian children; 
  • banks;
  • organizations associated with the Russian military-industrial complex;
  • suppliers of cybernetic equipment and services that supply them to Russian law enforcement agencies. 

In addition, manufacturers of Iranian military drones selling them to Russia fell under the sanctions.

New restrictions on trade with Russia

The EU has expanded the list of export and import bans for specific goods and services:

  • The transit through the territory of Russia of goods and technologies that can contribute to the development of the military, aviation and space industries is completely prohibited.
  • The list of goods and components prohibited for export to Russia has been expanded. It includes electronic components, materials for microcircuits, test machines for computer components and navigational instruments, and metals.
  • Freight transport within the EU on Russian trailers is prohibited, even if they are towed by non-Russian tractors.
  • Entry to European ports is prohibited for ships that illegally turned off transponders. Such a shutdown is used to conceal entry into Russian and Russian-occupied ports. 

Additional measures against circumvention of sanctions

To make it more difficult to circumvent sanctions, the following additional measures are being introduced: 

  • Intensify cooperation with non-EU countries to counter circumvention of sanctions. We are talking about the methods of diplomacy and support. If such methods do not bring success, as a last resort, they can apply measures to restrict the sale of goods and technologies to countries that do not oppose their re-export to Russia.
  • Possibility of inclusion in the list of persons and organizations opposing the sanctions of non-EU residents. 
  • Sectoral measures aimed at restricting the sale of goods and technologies to brokers in non-EU countries that supply goods for the Russian defense industry, including unmanned aerial vehicles and electronic components.
  • Improved data sharing and obligation to share information between EU states on denied delisting requests. This measure is intended to prevent sanctions violators from seeking suitable jurisdictions.

Trips to Russia

This measure does not apply to the eleventh EU sanctions package, but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands marked the entire territory of the Russian Federation with a red color code. This means that the Dutch government recommends not to enter Russia, and advises those who are on its territory to leave the country immediately. Those who do not do this remain in the Russian Federation under their own responsibility, and assistance to them may be difficult.  

The Netherlands provides security for many Ukrainian refugees. Nalog.nl offers discounts on your services for persons under temporary EU protection.

Publication date: 30.06.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX


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