What does the government want to change in employment contracts? - Nalog.nl B.V.
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What does the government want to change in employment contracts?

Answering questions about the government's plans for the labor market, the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment of the Netherlands, Karien van Gennip...

Responding to questions about the government's plans for the labor market, Dutch Minister of Social Affairs and Employment Karien van Gennip said there are plans to abolish zero-employment contracts, and contracts with on-call work are planned to be replaced by basic contracts.

Work under employment contracts with zero working hours and contracts for work on call is widespread in the fields of trade, catering, protection and care of children and the sick. A significant part of these workers are schoolchildren and students. Contracts with unspecified employment do not guarantee workers a specific income, which is extremely inconvenient for workers. Therefore, the government plans to ban zero-hours contracts and replace on-call contracts with basic labor contracts. You will find tips for employers on choosing the type of employment contract with an employee. in our article.

The greatest beneficiaries of the implementation of the government's plans are those in the trade and welfare sectors, but not students and schoolchildren. For this category of workers, labor contracts with on-call work are planned to be retained. This is explained by the fact that the main work of schoolchildren and students is study, the maximum employment for them cannot exceed 16 hours per week (on average per year). In addition, young people themselves usually like more freedom, not associated with the obligation to be at work for a specific number of hours. With other categories of workers, the employer will be required to conclude either a basic or regular employment contract.

It is assumed that the changes to the legislation planned by the government will be adopted in 2024 and will enter into force on January 1, 2025.

Nalog.nl offers accounting and support services for physical и legal entities. By concluding an agreement with us, you can not hire accountants and not conclude employment contracts with them.

Publication date: 29.06.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX


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