The municipality of Utrecht has allocated 7 million euros to support those in need - BV
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The municipality of Utrecht has allocated 7 million euros to support those in need

The rapid rise in electricity prices has made a serious hole even in the budgets of middle-income households, and the less well-off segments of the population ...

The rapid rise in electricity prices has created a serious hole even in the budgets of middle-income households, and the poorer segments of the population have been hit even harder. The Dutch government plans to introduce measures to increase the purchasing power of the population from January 1, 2023. The municipality of Utrecht decided that this assistance might be too late, therefore, on October 1, 2022, a municipal assistance program worth 7 million euros comes into effect.

Students and people with minimum and average income can apply for help. Those who live on benefits for a long time will be able to receive an additional monthly help for paying electricity in the amount of 1300 euros - provided that their total income does not exceed 150% of the social assistance standard (bijstandsnorm).

Depending on the circumstances, this standard can be up to 100% of the minimum wage (minimumloon). Bijstandsnorm is calculated individually, the rules for its calculation can be read on the government portal (in Dutch). The level of the minimum wage in the Netherlands depends on age: you can see the minimumloon sizes for different age categories here.

Research organized by the municipality of Utrecht has shown that households with an income of up to 140% of the social assistance standard are already experiencing serious financial difficulties.

The application for electricity assistance must be submitted to the municipality in person. Students can also apply for financial aid. In addition, low-income families will receive special coupons for the purchase of warm clothes for children.

The municipal support program will operate in Utrecht at least until the start of the government program to increase purchasing power.

Publication date: 19.10.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX


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