There will be no compensation for those who did not object to Box 3 - BV
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Compensation for those who did not object to Box 3 will not be

In the middle of summer, we wrote that the compensation payment to taxpayers who objected to the tax in Box 3 for tax years with ...

In the middle of summer we wrotethat refunds to taxpayers who objected to the Box 3 tax for tax years 2017 to 2020 are progressing as planned. But for those who did not object to Box 3, the question remained open.

Secretary of State Van Rij did not rule out that taxpayers who did not object to Box 3 or filed objections too late would be compensated. However, the government has now decided that there will be no "broad" compensation.

Post to RTL Nieuws

For the first time, the news about the lack of compensation for those who did not object to the tax in Box 3 appeared on Saturday morning, September 3, on the pages of the news portal RTL Nieuws. A few hours later, the NOS portal confirmed it, citing its sources in The Hague.


Like us told, the Supreme Court ruled late last year that the Box 3 tax, based on "non-existent returns" on capital, was contrary to European rules. For many savers, the actual return is much lower than the tax authorities thought.

At the same time, there are no legal grounds for compensation to taxpayers who did not file objections to the unfair assessment of taxes under Box 3. Such output made by the Supreme Court. The question of whether there will be compensation for those who did not file an objection or filed it late, hung in the air for a long time.

60 objectors

In the spring, the government announced that it would allocate 2,8 billion euros to compensate the objectors, who number about 60 people. Secretary of State Van Rey has repeatedly spoken about the difficulty of the situation with those people who did not file objections in time: “I understand this feeling of disappointment. If you didn't mind, you're missing something now.".

There will be no "broad" compensation

This decision of the government is justified by the fact that the payments will cost the treasury additional billions of euros, and the state is already faced with large unforeseen expenses.

As we recall, the government recently proposed a package of measures for 15 billion euros to restore purchasing power middle and low income Dutch. Details of the measures - both for the implementation of this package and for Box 3 - will be announced on Budget Day (September 20).

Publication date: 21.09.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX


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