Housing, work and education for Ukrainian refugees. Dutch Government Report - Nalog.nl BV
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Housing, work and education for Ukrainian refugees. Dutch government report

Since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war, more than 60 Ukrainians have arrived in the Netherlands. They have been granted temporary protection status, which gives them the right to...

Since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war, more than 60 Ukrainians have arrived in the Netherlands. They have been granted temporary protection status, which grants them the right to housing, public services and education. In addition, Ukrainians under temporary protection have the right to employment. The Cabinet of Ministers sent a letter to the Parliament with a report on the measures already taken to fill these rights with real content and on plans for the near future. The full text of the letter from the Cabinet of Ministers can be found here:. Let's learn about its main provisions:


Due to the influx of refugees from Ukraine, the demand for housing has increased. In order to increase the number of accommodation places, the Cabinet of Ministers is seeking to convert the existing premises for other purposes, such as office buildings. In addition, a program is being implemented to create the so-called flexible housing: it involves the creation of housing for refugees, which can be quickly built and moved around the country. We are talking about various modular designs. It is assumed that flexible housing created for Ukrainians will subsequently be used for other groups in need of assistance. Learn more about the flexible housing program.

The Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning (Ministerie Volkshuisvesting en Ruimtelijke Ordening) has set up a working group to accelerate the construction of temporary housing using flexible house technology. This group helps municipalities and other housing market participants. The housing program (Wbi) has allocated 100 million euros. Learn more about this group.

In addition to the municipalities, the reception of refugees is provided by private individuals. A large part of the private reception is provided through the organization RefugeeHomeNL, within which various NGOs cooperate. To support RefugeeHome.NL and the Red Cross, 13,1 and 12,8 million euros were allocated, respectively.


Ukrainians under temporary protection are allowed to be hired for paid work without obtaining an official work permit for a foreigner. To do this, they only need a proof of residence, which they receive when they register with the Registration Base for Individuals (BRP). However, Ukrainians find it difficult to find a job because they cannot claim benefits (training, etc.) and cannot register as job seekers. In order to remove these obstacles, it is necessary to change the legislation of the Netherlands. It is expected that the necessary changes to the laws will be made before August 1.


Ukraine asked the Netherlands to help organize entrance exams to Ukrainian universities for students temporarily staying on Dutch territory. The Government has agreed to provide this assistance and allocated 315 euros to this program.

Find out more about the assistance provided by the Netherlands to Ukrainians, in the target section of our site.

Publication date: 23.06.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX


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