Affordable Housing Task Force Established - BV
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Affordable Housing Task Force Established

In an effort to provide affordable housing to those in need, the Dutch Cabinet is creating a task force to accelerate the construction of temporary housing. Dedicated to the implementation of this...

In an effort to provide affordable housing to those in need, the Dutch Cabinet is creating a task force to accelerate the construction of temporary housing. The 100 million euros of funding allocated for this goal will help to implement the program faster. This task force will identify projects that need to be completed as soon as possible and help local authorities, housing associations and others involved in the process quickly resolve emerging bureaucratic and technical problems. This was announced by Minister of Construction and Spatial Planning De Jonge in a letter to the House of Representatives of the Dutch Parliament. The full text of the letter can be read here:.

Tasks of the target group and methods for their solution

Part of the program to build 100 houses a year is to obtain 15 apartments in the so-called flexible housing - and the same amount due to the conversion of existing buildings for housing for other purposes. Minister de Jonge believes that the construction of flexible housing is the shortest way to eliminate queues for social housing. Learn more about flexible housing from our Articles.

Another important program is the conversion of vacant office or industrial buildings into affordable housing. This process will not only provide social housing to all those in need, but will also increase the viability of municipalities that have such facilities. It is important that the refurbishment can be carried out quickly, respectively, those in need will be able to quickly move into the houses and apartments created for them.

Rob Haans, Nicole Maarsen, Harriët Tiemens will lead the emergency shelter task force. To help municipalities, provinces, housing associations and construction companies to study supply and demand, identify promising places for the construction of flexible housing and buildings for conversion, the task force will be through its own implementing organization. It will be staffed by independent experts and will work closely with the Central State Agency for Real Estate, the RVO Housing Experts Group, VNG and Aedes.

Financing the Affordable Housing Program

100 million euros were allocated for the construction of social housing. This will make it possible to implement the government's plans and speed up the construction of the necessary facilities. It is planned to allocate from 22 to 80 million euros for the transformation of existing facilities into housing, which will allow relevant projects to access credit. 2022 million euros have been allocated to finance the activities of the task force in fiscal year 12.

In order to implement the program, the Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning (Ministerie Volkshuisvesting en Ruimtelijke Ordening) will conclude agreements with regions and municipalities on the share of transformable and flexible housing in housing construction. More about real estate in the Netherlands on our website.

Publication date: 17.06.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX


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