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Driving license and auto insurance of Ukrainians

Members of the Dutch Parliament raised questions about driving and car insurance for refugees from Ukraine in the Netherlands. April 13, 2022...

Members of the Dutch Parliament raised questions about driving and car insurance for refugees from Ukraine in the Netherlands. On April 13, 2022, a corresponding written request was sent to the government. And finally, on May 30, 2022, Secretary of State for Justice and Security Eric van der Burg gave the answer.

Deputies from the left-liberal party Democraten 66 (D66) Anne-Marijke Podt and Lisa van Ginneken sent a written request to the government of the Netherlands. The answer was given by Secretary of State for Justice and Security Eric van der Burg, partly on behalf of the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Resources.

  1. Ukrainians can use their driver's licenses for 185 days after registering with BRP. And then what?

The European Commission is now working on a special scheme for the entire EU to extend the validity of Ukrainian driver's licenses. This scheme will work in all EU states with reference to the duration of the Temporary Protection Directive. Ukrainian refugees have been allowed to use national driving licenses in the EU for an extended period of time to make it easier for them to travel to destinations in other EU countries. A concrete proposal from the European Commission is expected shortly.

Note! We have already discussed options for solving the problem with the driver's license of Ukrainians. We wrote earlier.
  1. Is it true that Ukrainian refugees can drive their vehicles without car insurance?

No it is not true. In accordance with the Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Act (Wet aansprakelijkheidsverzekering motorrijtuigen, WAM), every car owner is required to take out insurance to drive in the Netherlands. In addition to an insurance policy from a Dutch insurance company, you can use insurance with international Green Card coverage if the car is registered in another country. Ukraine is part of the "green card system".

  1. What should a Ukrainian do in the absence of auto insurance or if the insurance policy has expired?

In the current circumstances, it can be assumed that part of the car did not pass the proper check at the border - uninsured vehicles from Ukraine could have entered the Netherlands. Ways out of the situation are:

Option 1.

For owners of such cars, the solution is offered by the Dutch insurance company De Vereende, which specializes in insurance of special risks. For Ukrainian refugees, this insurer offers the so-called "short-term insurance" for three months with the possibility of extending for another three months. More about this on the corresponding company page: https://www.vereende.nl/actueel/verzekeringsoplossing-voor-vluchtelingen-uit-oekraïne/.

Option 2.

An expired Green Card can be renewed. Insurers in Ukraine continue to work, which means that auto insurance policies can be renewed. 

  1. Is it possible to use examples of solving problems with driving and car insurance for Ukrainians in other countries?

Regulations related to driving and car insurance are of international importance, so they are usually adopted in a coordinated manner.

Publication Date: 07.06.2022


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