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Pay the Ukrainians now schomіsyatsya!

in Russian the text is below Usі chekali in the order of a clear position: yakі payments will be taken off in the Netherlands immoshenі migrants z...

in Russian text below

Were all checks in the order of a clear position: what payments will be taken in the Netherlands for the immigration of migrants from Ukraine? It was not only such people who checked, but the municipalities, the oskolki pennies WILL pay the stink itself. NARESHTI, the solution is praised.
The order became simple:

  • to pay for insurance SHOM_SYACHNO;
  • categories were grouped, it became easier to ROZRAHOVUVATI;
  • sumi viplat tezh was rounded up, so that it was more convenient to cry, and not to swear “copies”.

The state clearly christened two categories of Ukrainians:

  • those to whom the municipality gives access (hotels, ships, gyms, etc.) – Gemeentelijke Opvang Oekraïners (GOO);
  •  those who live with guest families - Particulière Opvang Oekraïners (POO).

Viplati, like before, are composed of two parts:

1. The first part is leefgeld. The cost of wearing clothes and clothes at the rozmіrі 260 euros per month. Reshta (zhitlo, medicine) - FOR THE RAKHUNOK of the state. To be paid by all Ukrainian migrants registered with the municipalities without a permit for grown-up children.
!To those whom the municipality is looking for (GOO), and to those whom the family accepts (POO).
2. The other part is wooncomponent (living component), which costs 215 euros per month per adult and 55 euros per minor. These cats will be cut off by Ukrainians who linger in their guest families. With this additional amount, the stinks can often compensate for the expenses of such a family.

You get paid if you accept a paid job.

MUNICIPALITIES SHOULD NOT BE SUPPOSED TO REPAIR THE PAYMENTS (admittedly, it was paid more or less), the first three months of repayments will not be charged. Tobto, as if you were looking for a job, then you are simply clinging to pay. It should be clear that in the future, pererakhunka will still be held.

! Posted on our YouTube channel, we regularly post videos for Ukrainians, here.

! Request a chat for Ukrainians from Telegram here.


Payments to Ukrainians are now monthly!

Everyone was waiting for clarity from the government: so what payments will be for Ukrainians who came to the Netherlands? Not only the refugees themselves were waiting, but also the municipalities, because they would pay the money. And now the decision has been made.

It's easier now:
• payments are calculated monthly;
• categories have been simplified, it has become easier to count;
• the amounts of payments were also rounded up to make it easier to pay, and not to calculate "penny".

Now what?

The state has clearly defined two categories:
• Ukrainians who are given shelter by the municipality (hotels, ships, gyms, etc.) — Gemeentelijke Opvang Oekraïners (GOO).
• Ukrainians who live in guest families — Particulière Opvang Oekraïners (POO)


Payments, as before, will consist of two parts.
1. The first part, 260 euros per month, is leefgeld (for food and clothing). The rest (housing, medicine) is at the expense of the state.
It will be paid to all Ukrainian refugees registered in the municipalities without division into adults and children.
!That is, those who are placed by the municipality (GOO), and those who are accepted by the family (POO).
2. The second part (€215 per adult and €55 per minor per month) is the wooncomponent (housing component).
This part will be received ONLY by those Ukrainians who live in GUEST FAMILIES. With this additional amount, they can partially offset the costs of the host.


!Payments are suspended if you take a paid job.
Since municipalities do not currently have the ability to recalculate (assuming more or less was paid), the first three months will not be recalculated. That is, if you went to work, then the payments simply stop. It is assumed that in the future such a recalculation will still be.

!Link to our YouTube channel, where we regularly post videos for Ukrainians here.
!Link to chat for Ukrainians in Telegram here.

Publication date: 01.04.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX


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