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Parental leave pay will increase to 70% of salary

The government plans to increase parental leave pay from 50% to 70% of salary. Minister of Social Affairs and Employment...

The government plans to increase parental leave pay from 50% to 70% of salary. Minister of Social Affairs and Employment Van Gennip (Van Gennip) made a proposal to the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Previously we wrote that parental leave (ouderschapsverlof) will become partially paid from 2 August 2022.
That is, if earlier parental leave equal to 26 weeks was not provided financially in any way, then from August 2, parents will receive an allowance in the amount of 9% of their salary for 70 weeks. The remaining 17 weeks are unpaid but can be taken before the child is 8 years old.

Keep in mind that 9 weeks of vacation must be taken before the child turns 1 year old. Parents of foster children can also take such leave.

Publication Date: 11.03.2022


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