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In the Netherlands, the registration of Ukrainians with the status of residents

text in Russian below The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties) has confirmed that the municipalities have rozpochat...

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The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties) has announced that the municipalities have announced the registration of refugees from Ukraine with the status of residents at the official base of the Turkish people in the Netherlands (BPR-Basis).

Tse more significant croc from the side of the row. Age registration at the national base guarantees people broad rights. Those who are registered there, may, nasampered, the right to life, living, medical and other services.

Registration with BPR gives the right to withdraw the BSN number (a special identification number of a physical individual in the Netherlands, which is an analogue of the Ukrainian IPN or “identification code”).

This number may be a resident of the Netherlands. BSN is required in order to:

  • insure
  • open a rahunok at the bank,
  • collect wages / help,
  • open business,
  • pay tribute too soon.

Registration as a resident of the Netherlands and withdrawal of BSN-number
For grown-ups (full-year osib for 18 years):

Full-fledged individuals can confirm their specialty and bring that the stench of the hulks of Ukraine. As for the first, so for the other, the ideal document is a passport, and the current environment will not have respect for those chi є vin biometric or sizable. If the passport is valid, then:

  1. To identify an individual, you can beat it to be an official document from a photograph and PIB (for example, a wedding anniversary, a pension, a student's card or something).
  2. To confirm the community, it is necessary to show another document (for example, a certificate of nationality). In addition, there is one more additional thing - municipal officials do not bother if a person crosses the border.

For example, for the singing of the situation, a document that zasvіdchuє person, vіdsutnіy, and there is no possibility to bring the enormity of Ukraine, then registering with BPR at the moment, unfortunately, is impossible. The procedure for the tієї categorії osіb rozroblyaєєєєєєєєєєєї, it is necessary only trohi pokachat.

For children:

  • For the registration of children, it is necessary to present any documents that confirm their person and enormity. For example, a certificate of nationality, foreign / internal passport is another document.

What work, if a child/children have no ancestry of an individual? For Ukrainians, they made a vinnyatok from the standard rule, for example, such a document can be obov'yazkovo. At the same time, the fathers can make an official statement about the person of minors, on the basis of the municipality of registered children.

!Our recommendation: if you go to the municipality, take all the documents with you, if you can!

An offensive help for Ukrainians is to inform about the address of their residence in the Netherlands. If you linger with someone, then for whom you can have a letter of confirmation, or the presence on the land of the municipality of the owner of such a dwelling.

If you live at the camp for refugees, then you should have a few checks. For the time being, there is still official information about those who submitted addresses to the registration tabor at BPR. Follow our news. Mi їх promptly vіdstezhuєmo!
Since you don’t have any documents in your hands that confirm the person’s enormity, then you can take the temporal BSN (RNI). Alemie not for the sake of certitude - rather pokat (government obіtsyaє approve the procedure for those who do not have documents) and take the great BSN.

After your visit to the municipality and acceptance of the necessary documents, information about registration in the BPR will be automatically transferred to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) in order to take care of issuing a time certificate for residence. What term is out of sight and how to look at it, at the moment there is still no official information.

Ukrainians began to register as residents


The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Affairs (Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties) announced that municipalities have started registering refugees from Ukraine as residents in the official database of residents of the Netherlands (BPR).


This is a very significant step on the part of the government. After all, registration in the national database guarantees a person broad rights. Residents in the Netherlands have the right to food, shelter, medical and other services.

Registration in BPR gives the right to receive a BSN number (a single account number, to some extent it is an analogue of a TIN). Every resident has one.

The BSN is required in order to:

  • insure
  • open a bank account,
  • receive a salary / allowance,
  • start business,
  •  pay taxes.


Registering as a resident of the Netherlands and obtaining a BSN number

For adults:

  • Adults must confirm their identity and prove that they are citizens of Ukraine. A passport is ideal for both the first and the second. And it doesn’t matter if it’s biometric or regular. If there is no passport, then:
  1. For personal identification, an official document with a photo and full name is suitable (for example, a driver's license, pension certificate, student ID).
  2. To confirm citizenship, you must show another document (for example, a birth certificate).
  • At the same time, municipal employees will not ask where and when a person crossed the border.
  • If there is no identity document and it is impossible to prove the citizenship of Ukraine, then enrolling in BPR will not work at the moment. A procedure for this category is being developed, please wait a bit.


For children:

  • To register children, it is necessary to present any documents that confirm their identity and citizenship. For example, a birth certificate, foreign / domestic passport or other document.


What if the children do not have an identity card? For Ukrainians, they made an exception to the standard rule, according to which identity verification is required. Parents can make an official statement about the identity of minors, on the basis of which the municipality will register these children.

!We recommend to take all available documents with you!

In addition, Ukrainians must provide an address of residence in the Netherlands. If you are staying with someone, there must be written confirmation of this (or the presence of the owner of the accommodation).


If you live in a refugee camp, then you should wait a bit. It is not yet clear if the camp's address is suitable for registration. Follow the news. We are tracking them down!


If you do not have documents confirming your identity and citizenship, then you can get a temporary BSN (RNI). But we do not recommend doing this - it is better to wait a bit (the authorities promise to approve the procedure for those who do not have documents) and get a regular BSN.


BPR registration information will be automatically passed on to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND), which will process the temporary residence permit. For how long it will be issued and how exactly it will look is not yet clear.

Publication Date: 10.03.2022


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