Basic health insurance (basis health insurance) compulsory for all residents-residents of the Netherlands, which include both citizens with a Dutch passport and those with a residence permit. Key issues related to health insurance, were us reviewed here.
And, in addition to the cost of basic and additional insurance, many residents of the Netherlands are annually worried about how the size of the mandatory "deductible" will change. (our own risk) - after all, this amount is paid out of "own pocket" by all insured persons over the age of 18 as soon as they bear the health care costs covered by basic insurance (unless there is no deductible, for example, a visit to a family doctor). For more information on how the franchise works, you can look here.
Particularly relevant topic our own risk becomes now, after strengthening measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic, which, of course, led to an increase in health care costs. Indeed, according to the law, the deductible must increase annually if health care costs increase. So, in 2008, when it was introduced, its amount was 150 euros, followed by a slight increase, and already in 2013 there was a sudden increase to 350 euros. Thereafter, from 2016 until the end of 2021, the compulsory deductible was frozen at € 385.
What will happen in the next year, 2022? We really hope that the size of the franchise will remain the same. This is supported by the majority of Tweede kamer members, who agree with the proposal to keep the mandatory franchise at 385 euros. If this issue had not been considered by them, then the deductible would most likely amount to more than 400 euros per one insured.
The final size of the franchise for the next year is announced in Budget Day (3rd Tuesday of September) - Prince's Day or Budget Day, when the Government of the Netherlands announces the planned figures for the country's budget for the next year. Among other major economic indicators, the most important changes in health insurance, such as calculated/monthly installment (premium) and the amount limit our own risk.
There is already a little time left, and we will understand whether our expectations will be justified! Follow our news!
Publication date: 07.07.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX