Brexit takes effect: changes to the rules of residence in the Netherlands for British citizens and their families - BV
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Brexit Goes Into Force: Changes to Dutch Residence Rules for UK Citizens and Their Families

From 1 January 2021, UK citizens and / or their family members living / arriving in the Netherlands must have a residence permit. For...

From 1 January 2021, UK citizens and / or their family members living / arriving in the Netherlands must have a residence permit. To do this, they must submit an application to the IND by 1 January 2021. Until that date, UK citizens can (continue) to live, work and study in the Netherlands without a residence permit.

As a reminder, as of August 2020, the IND will no longer send out invitations for personal visits. You need to submit an online application, for which the following requirements must be met:
• registration in BRP (basisregistratie personen);
• availability of DigiD;
• the ability to receive e-mail through MijnOverheid;
• having an account with a Dutch bank.

In case you need help filing such an application, the Nalog.NL team is always ready to help you with this.

Publication date: 18.10.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX


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