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Purchase of an electric vehicle. What government bonuses can you expect?

In 2020, having a car in the Netherlands becomes not only convenient, but also profitable if you drive an electric car. Thanks ...

In 2020, having a car in the Netherlands is becoming not only convenient, but also profitable if you drive an electric car. Due to the fact that the country has greatly developed the infrastructure of chargers, it is not scary if the car suddenly runs out of battery. The Netherlands already has 55 public charging stations, and the National Charging Infrastructure Program has prepared a plan for 000 million by 2030.

Here you can see a map of charging stations in the Netherlands.

Thanks to this, the Netherlands is in the 2nd place in the world in the number of electric vehicles out of the total number of cars in the country (1,9 million light electric vehicles). And the plan for further development looks ambitious: by 2030, the Dutch government wants to transfer residents to electric passenger cars (SEPP). The news concerns those who have a car at the enterprise, who are going to buy it and those who want to update the car. Please note that buying a car by an individual will only qualify for subsidy if purchased from a car company or dealership. Mutual sales between individuals are not included in the incentive program.

Given the changing environmental situation around, it can be useful to switch to an electric car. Besides the environmental benefits, there are also benefits for your wallet:

  1. individuals will be able to apply for a subsidy for electric cars;
  2. no costs for gasoline or diesel;
  3. more attractive for tax purposes - exemption from vehicle tax and the ability to apply for a subsidy for electric cars.

By reducing the tax burden and subsidiary incentives, the government aims to boost the already high demand for electric vehicles. The plans are serious, since at the same time it is planned to complicate (or, more precisely, to rise in price) the use of cars with gasoline and diesel engines.

The Dutch government has prepared a subsidy scheme that operates from 01.07.2020/01.07.2025/01.07.2020 to 30.06.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX for new cars and from XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX to XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX for used cars.

The budget has already been determined and in 2020 the euro is 10 million euros for new cars and 7,2 million for used ones. For 2021 and beyond, the budget will be determined later.

To be eligible for a subsidy, you need to meet the conditions, here are the main ones:

  • 100% electric passenger car with at least 120 kilometers of mileage;
  • the cost of the car in the range from 12 to 000 euros (you can check the cost of the car at here);
  • you bought a car on or after 04.06.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX;
  • you apply for a subsidy within 60 days of purchase.

A complete list of conditions can be found here.

Planned incentives for individuals:

  1. Subsidy for the purchase of a new car: in 2020 and 2021 the subsidy will amount to 4000 euros.
  2. For official vehicles, the same purchase subsidy is provided, which will amount to 2021 euros in 3430, and will be reduced to 2024 euros by 1830. Reduced bijtelling is also provided.
  3. The environmental contribution deduction (milieu-investeringsaftrek - MIA), which businesses can now request for their electric cars or their charging points, may cease to exist at the end of 2020.
  4. Subsidy for the purchase of a used car: valid from 01.07.2020 to 30.06.2024, only for individuals, in 2020 and 2021 it is 2000 euros.
  5. Purchase Tax Exemption (BMP). Electric cars will remain exempt from BMP (i.e., tax on the purchase or import of a car) until 2025. Starting in 2025, the buyer will have to pay 350 euros in a lump sum. In addition, drivers of all-electric vehicles will be completely exempt from the motor vehicle tax (MRB - motorrijtuigenbelasting) until 2025.

Such changes in taxes cannot but affect the state budget. In this connection, the government decided to consider how to levy taxes differently, possibly taking into account the impact on the environment. In general, however, the goal is to make the purchase of an electric car affordable for everyone.

Publication Date: 18.06.2020


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