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Changes to the laws regarding the ZZP, which came into force on July 1, 2019

From July 1, 2019, some laws and regulations will be changed, and a number of changes will follow after January 1, 2020 ...

From July 1, 2019, some laws and regulations will be changed, and a number of changes will follow after January 1, 2020, and you can prepare for this now. Also in recent months, various legislative changes have come into force, which are important to be aware of.

Here we will tell you about some of the most important changes in the laws that will affect private entrepreneurs.

Changes effective July 1 and October 1, 2019

  1. Commitment to Communicate Energy Savings (by 1 July 2019)

If your company's energy consumption exceeds 50 kWh of electricity or 000 m25 of natural gas per year, you are subject to an energy conservation obligation. This legislative change entered into force on February 000, 3. Specifically, this means that entrepreneurs who fall under this obligation must report using the online form on the RVO.nl website (https://mijn.rvo.nl/eloket/login-start.html) no later than July 1, 2019, what energy saving measures they are taking. This obligation to provide information on energy saving measures is introduced in order to increase energy savings in the business community. The rule will affect about 100 entrepreneurs.

  1. Minimum wage for youth will rise again from 1 July 2019

When hiring staff, keep in mind that the minimum wage for young people has been increased. For 18, 19 and 20 year olds, the fixed percentage of the statutory minimum wage will continue to increase. For those who have reached the age of 21, it will already be equal to 100%, that is, they are entitled to the full minimum wage established by law. Previously, a person had such a right only starting from the age of 22 (this was the case since July 22, 2017).

  1. Gas station owners should offer customers E10 gasoline more often

E10 is gasoline with a higher percentage of (bio)ethanol. This helps reduce CO2 emissions and makes this gasoline less harmful to the environment. If you have 2 or more tank installations at your gas station, then at least half of them must be suitable for E10.

  1. Obligation to pass those. inspection. for fast tractors and tractor registration obligation

If your company uses agricultural and forestry tractors and they drive on public roads at a speed exceeding 25 km per hour, then from October 1, 2019, they must be registered and, accordingly, have registration plates. In addition, those. inspection is mandatory for tractors that can reach speeds of over 40 km per hour.

  1. Bearer shares should become registered from next year

If you, as a sole proprietor, own bearer shares, then from 2020 anonymous (bearer) shares of limited liability companies must be registered. This is stated in the new law on the conversion of bearer shares, which will enter into force on July 1, 2019. To register such bearer shares, contact the limited liability company of which you own the shares to be re-registered in your name. If you do not do this by January 1, 2021, your rights to these shares will be canceled.

Legal Changes Effective January 1, 2020

Although these 3 laws will come into effect only at the beginning of next year, private entrepreneurs can already start preparing for this.

  1. EMZ will receive a new BTW number

We have already written about this earlier, you can read more about this. here.

By January 1, 2020, more than 1 million private entrepreneurs will receive a new BTW number from the tax authorities. This new number will no longer be associated with the person's own registration number (BSN). This is done to reduce fraud and enhance privacy protection. As an interim step, the owners of ZZP and EMZ may now stop listing the BTW number on their websites or in their online stores.

  1. The KOR (Kleineondernemersregeling) rule is changing

The new KOR rule is still being finalized. Now you can get a VAT exemption or a reduction in the amount paid if you pay less than € 1883 in VAT per year. Now, your total turnover will determine if you can use KOR. So if you expect a turnover in the Netherlands of no more than 20 euros per year, in order to use KOR from January 000, 1, you need to start June 2020 and November 1, 20 report this on tax website.

  1. Community Guidelines Updated

Self-employed entrepreneurs working under VOF, Maatschap or CV will face radical changes from January 1, 2020. There will no longer be a difference between VOF and Maatschaap, instead there will be one form of ownership. The change will mainly affect the share of responsibility. Within the framework of the CV, investors, and not just managing partners, will receive more authority. After simplifying the rules, such cooperation should become more attractive.

Recently adopted legal changes

In April 2019, 3 amendments came into force that are of interest to private entrepreneurs.

  1. The BIG registration number of a healthcare provider must be publicly published.

If you, as a private entrepreneur, provide services in the healthcare sector, and have a BIG registration, then from April 1, 2019 you must publish your BIG number wherever you declare yourself professionally. This applies, for example, to your website, letterheads if you use them, and invoices that you submit. This makes it easier for all interested parties and customers to check if you have a BIG registration.

  1. Businesses providing healthcare services may face disciplinary action

Self-employed entrepreneurs who provide health services and have BIG registration, starting from April 1, 2019, may be subject to disciplinary action (tuchtrechtspraak). Clients can file a complaint against you, and the disciplinary judge (tuchtrechter) can, if the complaint is justified, place a temporary work ban. It will be more difficult to register again after such a ban.

  1. All government organizations should be able to receive electronic invoices

If, as a sole proprietor, you do business with government agencies, you can submit your invoices electronically. Organizations such as the national government, municipalities, provinces and water councils should be able to receive and process electronic invoices from 18 April 2019. This will save over € 1 billion per year. Plus, it's easier, more accurate, and faster.

Publication Date: 11.07.2019


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