Why is it important to keep an annual report from the employer? - Nalog.nl B.V.
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Why is it important to keep the employer's annual report?

Those who officially worked in the IL for at least 2018 day in 1 should receive an annual salary report. It...

Those who officially worked in the IP for at least 2018 day in 1 should receive an annual salary report. This must happen no later than March 1, 2019. What is the annual report? This is a document containing all the information about your salary for a specific year. By law, the employer is obliged to provide it to each employee at the beginning of the next reporting year. The form of this report may be free, but it must contain the following data (the list is given in Dutch, since all this will be called that way in the report):

  • naam- en adresgegevens werknemer
  • naam- en adresgegevens werkgever
  • loon voor de loonbelasting / volksverzekeringen dat de werknemer heeft gekregen
  • loonbelasting / premie volksverzekeringen die je hebt ingehouden
  • totaalbedrag van de arbeidskorting die je hebt verrekend
  • burger service number (BSN)
  • loon voor de Zorgverzekeringswet (Zvw)
  • totaalbedrag van de levensloopverlofkorting die je hebt verrekend
  • of je bij de berekening van de loonbelasting / premie volksverzekeringen rekening hebt gehouden met de loonheffingskortingen per wanneer
  • bijdrage Zvw die je hebt ingehouden op het nettoloon van de werknemer
  • werkgeversheffing Zvw
  • totaal van de premies werknemersverzekeringen

This document is very important, so be sure to keep it! At least 7 years old. You will need this not only for a tax return, but also for many other things, such as: lease agreements, mortgages, placing a child in a kindergarten, bringing a wife or husband, calculating alimony, subsidies (toeslagen), requesting a scholarship, etc.

Therefore, if you suddenly do not receive this document before March 15, it makes sense to remind yourself about yourself. As a last resort, the same information can often be found on the payroll for the last month of work. If there is all the data on savings, then it can also be used as an annual report, but the annual bonus is often not indicated there, so it is better to get an annual report from your employer.

It is best to put the original annual report in a safe and not give it to anyone, since a copy can be difficult to obtain, especially from an outside agency or a closed company. Sometimes they ask for money for such a copy. If you need to send the annual report somewhere, send copies - they are absolutely valid and can be easily verified if desired.

If you download your payroll from your personal account, you can also find the annual report there.

Publication date: 06.02.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX


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