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The Netherlands plans to negotiate tax treaties with 2023 countries in 14

The Netherlands has tax agreements with about 90 states. The purpose of these agreements is to avoid double taxation and strengthen economic ties. Simultaneously...

The Netherlands has tax agreements with about 90 states. The purpose of these agreements is to avoid double taxation and strengthen economic ties. At the same time, the Dutch government is striving to counteract tax evasion. In 2023, the Dutch government plans to continue ongoing or start new negotiations on tax agreements with 14 countries. 

The question of in which state employees pay taxes also depends on the presence or absence of such an agreement. As more and more employees work remotely from home, the issue of paying taxes on their salaries is becoming increasingly relevant. The Netherlands is even in talks with Belgium and Germany to conclude an additional agreement on this issue. 

В letter, sent to the House of Representatives of the Dutch Parliament, Tax Minister van Rey announced plans for negotiations for 2023. Negotiations will continue with Belgium, Brazil, Morocco, Moldova, Mozambique, Uganda, Portugal, Rwanda and Suriname. In addition, it is planned to start negotiations, including repeated ones, with Bahrain, Barbados, Germany, Kenya and Romania. Depending on the circumstances, it is also possible to start negotiations on tax agreements with Aruba, Curaçao and Saint Martin. Negotiations with Belgium, Andorra, Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan and Thailand are at the final stage. It is expected that in 2023 tax agreements with these five states will be concluded.

In the course of negotiations, the Netherlands seeks to include agreements on minimum taxation standards in agreements, which helps to combat tax evasion through offshore schemes. At the same time, the Netherlands seeks to keep tax revenues to the budgets of developing countries from the activities of Dutch companies on their territory.

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Publication Date: 14.03.2023


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