What to do if you haven't received an email to renew your sticker? - Nalog.nl B.V.
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What to do if you haven't received an email to renew your sticker?

Sticker renewal letter (temporary protection in the Netherlands): in paper form, should have arrived by February 25, 2023 on...

Sticker renewal letter (temporary protection in the Netherlands):

  1. in paper form should have arrived by February 25, 2023 at the address where you are registered with the municipality (BRP);
  2. electronically must be available in your personal account on the website of the Mijn IND migration service.

What to do if you do not receive a paper letter?

Immediately after sending the letter in paper form, its electronic version should have appeared in the personal account of the migration service Mijn IND. Therefore, Mijn IND is the first place to look for a letter.

DigiD is required to enter Mijn IND:

  • what is DigiD-code and how to get it, read here;
  • you can request DigiD via Nalog.nl here.

If you do not find the letter in Mijn IND (but are sure of your rights to temporary protection), you need to call migration service from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00

  • 088 043 04 30 for domestic calls;
  • +31 88 043 04 30 for calls from abroad.

How to get help from volunteers if you haven't received a letter?

If you cannot deal with the problem on your own, you can contact an independent human rights organization that helps refugees - VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN). You can sign up for an appointment with the staff of this organization here: https://www.refugeehelp.nl/ru/spreekuren

What should I do if the letter says I am denied temporary protection?

In some cases, the IND's denial of interim protection can be challenged. If you received a letter with such a refusal, you can consult with a specialist regarding your chances of appealing this decision of the migration service. You can sign up for a paid consultation with a lawyer who specializes in complex cases of obtaining temporary protection here: https://blitz.nalog.nl/specialists/mark-milczarek.

Publication date: 27.02.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX


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