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Will the Netherlands be able to overcome the migration crisis?

As we have repeatedly written, the Netherlands is experiencing one of the biggest migration crises since the Second World War. For people who...

How do we repeatedly wrote, The Netherlands is experiencing one of the biggest migration crises since World War II. For people who have gone through the asylum procedure and received a positive decision (statushouders), there is a catastrophic lack of housing. Until the end of 2022, the problem was only partially solved. But after March 4, 2023, a new aggravation of the crisis may begin due to the loss of temporary protection by some of the displaced persons from Ukraine (without Ukrainian citizenship).

Accommodation plans for asylum seekers

Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration Eric van der Burg January 30, 2023 informed parliament on measures to overcome the migration crisis in the country, which are scheduled for spring. In particular, we are talking about the creation of new additional places for the reception of asylum seekers. If all these measures are implemented successfully, then by July 1, 2023, there will be 19 more admission places.

Note! In November 2022, it became known that by January 1, 2024, 75 reception sites for asylum seekers would be required. At the same time, the question remains open how many accommodation places will be needed for third-country nationals from Ukraine who will lose the right to temporary protection after March 000, 4 (recall: decision about it entered into force on July 19, 2022). 

New reception locations

According to the Secretary of State, the Central Agency for Asylum Seekers (Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers, COA) is working with the municipalities to implement unprecedented solutions to ensure the necessary number of places to accommodate asylum seekers. New locations become available and those that were previously planned to be closed remain open. Public organizations and church institutions are involved in the reception of asylum seekers. Accommodations such as holiday homes, hotels, nursing homes and even cruise liners

Third country nationals from Ukraine

Soon, the status of displaced persons from Ukraine who do not have Ukrainian citizenship, permanent residence in Ukraine or other grounds for temporary protection in the Netherlands will change - they will no longer be subject to the special reception regime, like other Ukrainian refugees. In particular, this group of persons will lose the right to work without obtaining a special permit. There is a risk that, due to a shortage of housing, these people will remain in the municipal refugee reception centers along with the Ukrainians. For municipalities, this will be a serious complication, since the centers are already overcrowded.

Way out of crisis

Van der Burgh believes that there is still progress on the way out of the migration crisis: “Looking back over the past few months, we can say that a lot has been achieved. By taking a set of measures, we coped with the emergency.”. Serious efforts have been made in the area of ​​placing statushouders. He points in particular to the successful use of temporary housing (flexwoningen) in reception areas for asylum seekers.

The Secretary of State also mentions that a legislative proposal was prepared for the Act on Municipal Institutions for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (Wet gemeentelijke taak mogelijk maken asielopvangvoorzieningen), which was submitted to the Council of State in mid-December 2022. We will keep you updated on how events will develop further.

Publication Date: 21.02.2023


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