Temporary relief from IND for people from Turkey and Syria - Nalog.nl BV
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Temporary relief from IND for people from Turkey and Syria

On February 6, 2023, a powerful earthquake struck Turkey and Syria, killing thousands of people. Many of these people...

On February 6, 2023, a powerful earthquake struck Turkey and Syria, killing thousands of people. Many people from these countries who are now in the Netherlands need to travel to their homeland urgently, or to take their family members to the Netherlands faster, or to stay in the Netherlands longer than originally planned. In all such situations, the migration service (IND) will be more flexible and lenient when issuing visas until March 9, 2023.

IND instruction

On February 9, 2023, a special instruction IND, which provides clarifications regarding the issuance of visas for people from Turkey and Syria until March 9, 2023 (with a possible extension). By a simplified procedure, you can issue:

  1. return visa - terugkeervisum (about the cases in which it is needed, here);
  2. extension of a short-stay visa (visum kort verblijf).
Note! No state fees are charged for issuing a returnable or extending a short-stay visa. In the first case, a visa is issued, and in the second case, it is extended for a period not exceeding 90 days.

People with residence permit

When processing documents, differences between people with ordinary residence permits and refugees will be taken into account. People from Syria and Turkey with a regular residence permit (verblijfsvergunning) - for example, for work or study - or a valid temporary residence permit (machtiging tot voorlopig verblijf, mvv) can travel to and from Turkey or Syria without any obstacles. Those who are waiting for a decision on a residence permit will need to return to the Netherlands return visa.

Asylum seekers and refugees

This category of migrants cannot return to their country of origin because they have fled the situation there or are afraid of persecution. And if in this case the Syrian and Turkish asylum seekers/refugees decide to return, it will be their responsibility - they will not receive a return visa. However, asylum seekers or refugees from Syria who want to travel to Turkey to help relatives there can obtain a return visa.

Family members

Syrians or Turks in the Netherlands can request an entry visa (inreisvisum) for their family members. However understandable as it may be to want to take relatives in a difficult situation, the IND cannot expedite the processing of requests in all cases. It's connected with a large number of pending applications for family reunification. Whether family members are allowed to come to the Netherlands must be carefully assessed. Only then can an entry visa be issued.

Publication date: 20.02.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX


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