From March 1, 2023, interest on unpaid company taxes increases - BV
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Starting March 1, 2023, interest on unpaid company taxes will increase

Private companies (besloten vennootschap - BV) in the Netherlands are required to pay interest on the amount of unpaid corporate tax. WITH...

Private companies (besloten vennootschap - BV) in the Netherlands are required to pay interest on the amount of unpaid corporate tax.

From March 1, 2023, the interest rate of these payments will increase from 8% to 10,5%. Learn more about it on our website. 

Main text:

Private companies (besloten vennootschap - BV) in the Netherlands are required to pay interest on the amount of unpaid corporate tax.

From March 1, 2023, the interest rate of these payments will increase from 8% to 10,5%. Official information on interest on taxes (belastingrente) for private companies (in Dutch) can be obtained from here

If a private company fails to pay its pre-assessed income tax within six months of the end of the tax period, interest will accrue on the underpaid funds. Interest must be paid within one month of receipt of the notice from the tax office.  

Interest calculation periods

In different situations, different belastingrente accrual periods apply:

  • If, at the request of BV, a preliminary assessment of tax liabilities was carried out on an application for compilation advance payment (voorlopige aanslag), the maximum term for calculating interest cannot exceed 14 weeks from the date of receipt of the request.
  • If there is a final assessment of the tax liability based on the BV return that has been accepted by the IRS, the maximum time for interest to accrue is 19 weeks from the filing date.
  • If the tax authorities did not agree with the declaration and charged additional taxes, the maximum term for calculating interest is 12 weeks from the date of notification of the additional charge. 

The accrual of belastingrente is excluded in the following cases:

  1. If the BV, before the first day of the fifth month following the tax period, submitted a request to the tax authorities for the preparation of a voorlopige aanslag.
  2. If the BV has filed a tax return by the first day of the sixth month following the tax period and taxes are accrued in accordance with it.

Sometimes the income tax turns out to be negative, that is, a private company paid a larger amount of taxes in advance than the tax service accrued to it at the end of the tax period. If the company at the same time paid belastingrente, then it is entitled not only to compensation for overpaid taxes, but also to the return of accrued interest. To receive this compensation, you must meet two conditions:

  1. The assessment of taxes was carried out on the basis of correctly and timely submitted applications for the preparation of a voorlopige aanslag or tax return.
  2. More than 8 weeks elapsed between the date of filing the voorlopige aanslag application and the calculation of the provisional tax amount OR more than 13 weeks have passed since the filing of the tax return and the calculation of the final tax amount.

Timely submission of a properly drafted voorlopige aanslag application to the tax authorities helps private companies optimize taxes and save on interest payments. offers a service for the preparation and submission of this application to the tax authorities.

Order advance payment (voorlopige aanslag) for entrepreneurs and legal entities.

Publication date: 17.02.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX


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