About half a million households will receive compensation for gas and electricity - Nalog.nl BV
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About half a million households will receive compensation for gas and electricity

In his January 17, 2023 letter to industry associations, Climate and Energy Secretary Rob Jetten...

In his letter to industry associations on January 17, 2023, Climate and Energy Secretary Rob Jetten announces that the government plans to introduce temporary compensation for households with a shared energy supply. Such the refund will be in the form of a fixed amount per housing unit for heat, gas and electricity.

General connection (blokaansluiting)

In some large apartment buildings, as well as in hostels, common meters are installed. Accordingly, tenants receive bills in the form of a fixed amount per household. This applies to gas, electricity and heat. The government estimates that there are more than half a million such households in the Netherlands. They fell outside the framework of the price ceiling scheme: for gas - 1,45 euros per cubic meter up to 1200 cubic meters per year, for electricity - 0,40 euros per kWh up to 2900 kWh per year and for heat 47,38 .1 euro per 37GJ up to XNUMX GJ per year.

The government is urgently finalizing a scheme that will help this category of consumers in the face of rising energy prices. Expected that the scheme will be completed by mid-February

Amount of compensation

The annual amount for people living in apartments will be almost 1600 euros. And if suddenly energy prices rise sharply, the amount can be increased. For people living in shared housing with private rooms, such as for students in hostels, the amount of compensation will be less - about 670 euros. At the same time, the amounts indicated by the Ministry of Climate and Energy are not yet final.

Compensation amounts for 2023

Housing type Energy resource Compensation Amount
For the first half For the second half One energy resource Two energy resources
Apartment gas/thermal energy 786,45 euro 276,76 euro 1063,21 euro 1598,26 euro
Electric power 351,13 euro 183,92 euro 535,05 euro
Private room (in a hostel) gas/thermal energy 329,28 euro 116,18 euro 445,46 euro 670,42 euro
Electric power 147,63 euro 77,33 euro 224,96 euro

Source: Compensation for high energy prices for households with a block connection known.

As we can see in the table, for households supplied with both gas/heat and electricity, the two amounts of compensation are summed up. Moreover, since this category of consumers did not receive refunds for gas and electricity in November-December 2022 (€ 190 per month), then he will be able to receive them additionally with a new compensation. That is, another 1600 euros can be added to the estimated 380 euros.

How to apply?

The procedure for calculating compensation will be launched from mid-February. In this case, the residents themselves do not need to do anything. Compensation will be paid through associations of owners (vereniging van eigenaren, VvE), landlords and housing corporations after appropriate applications. Then the fixed amounts will be distributed among the tenants.

Publication date: 24.01.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX


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