Working Ukrainian refugees are required to receive an IND sticker by November 1 - BV
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Working Ukrainian refugees are required to receive an IND sticker by November 1

A temporary work permit for Ukrainian refugees who do not yet have a document on being under temporary EU protection is valid only until...

A temporary work permit for Ukrainian refugees who do not yet have a document on being under temporary EU protection is valid only until October 31, 2022. Accordingly, from November 1, every Ukrainian refugee working in the Netherlands must document the right to stay in the country and work . The document is issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (Immigratie en Naturalisatiedienst - IND). You can confirm the right to work and stay with a sticker pasted into your passport, or with an O-document that the IND issues to Ukrainian refugee men of military age. 

Both documents confirm that the Ukrainian is under temporary EU protection in accordance with the Directive of March 4, 2022. The government of the Netherlands, in an effort to make life easier for Ukrainians, allowed them to get a job from April 1, 2022, even before the registration of the right to stay in the country. The process of providing stickers was delayed due to objective reasons, but now all problems are solved, therefore, Ukrainian refugees working in the Netherlands are required to receive a sticker or an O-document until November 1, 2022.

Publication date: 21.10.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX


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