Refugees from Ukraine received the right to work in the Netherlands from March 4, 2022. This is a significant benefit provided by the EU: refugees from other countries are not allowed to work until they receive a decision on granting refugee status. However, working Ukrainians do not yet have the right to child benefits, and the government wants to correct this injustice. This was announced by the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment Karien van Gennip (Karien van Gennip), and the Cabinet of Ministers approved an amendment to the law making this possible.
This is an allowance for the reimbursement of expenses related to the attendance of children in kindergarten (kinderopvangtoeslag): find out more about this allowance on our website. The Netherlands takes care of children, there are several options for child benefits (learn about the different types of child benefits here). The opportunity to send the child to a kindergarten where he will be taken care of, allows parents to get a job. However, attending a kindergarten is not cheap, and not everyone is able to pay these bills without government assistance. The Cabinet of Ministers is interested in the fact that most of the country's inhabitants of working age work, respectively, increase the country's GDP and pay taxes. That is why the government decided to provide Ukrainian refugees with the opportunity to work without worrying about children left behind. There are already over 75.000 refugees from Ukraine in the Netherlands: if adults can work, it will be beneficial both for them and for the country as a whole.
The Cabinet of Ministers sent a bill on child benefits for Ukrainians to the State Council. The text of the bill and the recommendations of the Council of State will be published when it is submitted to Parliament.
If you do not know how to apply for child benefits in the Netherlands, or if you have difficulties applying for them, ask for help to
Publication date: 27.09.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX