Scholz for moving away from unanimous decision-making in the EU - BV
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Scholz for moving away from unanimous decision-making in the EU

Speaking on August 29 with a speech at the Charles University in Prague, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made several resonant statements. In particular, by...

Speaking on August 29 with a speech at the Charles University in Prague, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made several resonant statements. In particular, in his opinion, the European Union should give up the right of veto of each member state in the course of decision-making on tax issues and international affairs.

Netherlands vs.

A number of EU states, including the Netherlands, do not support the idea of ​​a common tax policy. In many smaller EU member states, this is an integral part of state sovereignty. Otherwise, there is a threat of strengthening the power of large countries such as Germany and France.

At the same time, the Netherlands is in favor of limiting the right of veto in the field of foreign and security policy. In general, due to the wide and fierce resistance, Scholz's plans seem to be doomed to failure in advance.

Scholz's arguments

The German Chancellor does not want to abolish the right of veto on all issues at once, but to gradually give it up. If EU members insist on unanimous decisions on taxation and foreign affairs, then the EU "will be paralyzed"Scholz believes.

This danger is only growing now that the EU wants to admit new members such as the remaining Balkan countries and Ukraine. The differences between EU members with their accession will become even greater. At the same time, the likelihood that any important plan will meet with resistance from some Member State will also increase. Therefore, individual countries should not contradict the intentions of the vast majority.


Publication date: 16.09.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX


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