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Retraining and advanced training of workers will be subsidized in a new way

The Netherlands is changing the scheme for subsidizing retraining and training of personnel. The changes came into force on July 13, 2022 and have a partial...

The Netherlands is changing the scheme for subsidizing retraining and training of personnel. The changes came into effect on July 13, 2022 and are partially retroactive (until March 15, 2021). The full text of the directive of the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment (Minister van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid) in Dutch is available here

For residents of the Netherlands who wish to undergo retraining and advanced training, it is important that the program will be valid until April 1, 2023. During this period, it will be possible to take free courses. The subsidies themselves are allocated to teams of teachers who are able to provide high-quality training and retraining. This subsidy scheme is part of an overall €50 million program by the Dutch government to deal with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

The changes made to the program are of interest to the training teams and relate to changes in the retention periods of documents, submitted reports, recommendations for the development of training programs, adjustments in the amount of subsidies and other issues of interest to specialists. 

In the Netherlands, there are many subsidy programs that make life easier for the population and businesses. Nalog.nl offers services in registration of a wide range of subsidies.

Publication Date: 28.07.2022


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