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How to hire a Ukrainian in the Netherlands?

Questions about the placement of Ukrainian refugees were replaced by questions of employment. The first wave of them: how to find a job? Answers are in...

Questions about the placement of Ukrainian refugees were replaced by questions of employment. The first wave of them: how to find a job? The answers are in the "Job Search" section on the "Ukraine" page of our company's website. The second wave - from potential employers: how to hire an employee from Ukraine who is subject to the EU Directive on temporary protection?

Today we deal with this. 

An employer who decides to hire Ukrainians should know two things:

  • A work permit for Ukrainians with a temporary protection status is not required.
  • If you are an employer who is going to hire Ukrainians, then you must notify UWV about this! You must also report any changes (layoff, for example) to UWV.

Other mandatory bureaucratic procedures include filling out a special form that the employer is required to submit to government agencies. More about it - in our video YouTube and article on the website. 

Download form: https://www.nalog.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/WB140-35685-Melden-tewerkstelling-tijdelijk-beschermde-werknemer-Oekraine.doc.

Still have questions about the employment of Ukrainians? We will answer them and help you fill out the forms. Experts from Nalog.nl. 

Publication Date: 15.04.2022



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