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Time to make changes to the expense report (voorlopige aanslag)

The year 2020 is drawing to a close and now is the time to start thinking about income levels and changes in your fiscal and financial ...

2020 is coming to an end, and now is the time to think about the level of income and changes in your fiscal and financial situation in 2021, in order to make changes in the current payments on time. subsidies (toeslagen) or an advance payment (voorlopige aanslag).

Payment Dates for December 2020:

  • November 20 is the day of payment of subsidies for December 2020;
  • December 15 is the day of payment of the advance return on the mortgage or for a non-working partner for December 2020.

When do you need to make changes?

From December 1, you can make changes to the advance refund for 2021. If you had an advance refund in 2020, it will automatically renew. In case you have increased the mortgage or, conversely, paid off part of the mortgage, we recommend that you make changes.

When should you think about making changes?

  • you sold or bought real estate for your own residence or increased / decreased your mortgage;
  • you have a fiscal partner (cohabitation with a partner, marriage or divorce);
  • your income has changed significantly;
  • you left the Netherlands.

You can leave a request for a request, change or stop an advance calculation HERE

Publication Date: 11.11.2020


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