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What if a foreign tourist in the Netherlands has a crown?

There is no doubt that the tourist season will look different this year due to COVID-19. Closed borders, minimized air traffic and ...

There is no doubt that the tourist season will look different this year due to Covid-19.

Closed borders, minimized air traffic and quarantine measures in most countries of the world should have a positive effect. Residents of the Netherlands were able to travel abroad again, and foreign tourists were also allowed to come to the country.

But it was not there! Many popular vacation destinations are closing again, and the government is warning that there will be no more export flights and that the traveler is now responsible for returning home.

We wrote about what to do if a virus finds you on vacation outside the Netherlands in our past news

But what happens if a foreign tourist arrives in the Netherlands and is infected with the virus?

For foreign tourists infected with the coronavirus, the same rules apply as for residents of the Netherlands.

If a foreign tourist who is in the country has symptoms of COVID-19, then he must be tested at the local GGD (municipal health service) and stay at home until the results are obtained.

Recall that the main symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  • Cold symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, sore throat
  • Cough
  • Dyspnea
  • Heat
  • Sudden loss of smell and / or taste (no nasal congestion)

If the test result turns out to be positive, it is necessary to be isolated where the tourist lives, at home or in a hotel.

Tourists are allowed to come out of isolation if they have not had complaints for at least 24 hours and if they became ill more than seven days ago.

Tourists should also report all their contacts on the days they first show symptoms. This will help prevent the spread of the virus.

It is also important to consider that isolation in case of infection occurs at the expense of the tourist himself.

If an infected tourist refuses to isolate himself, the head of the epidemiological security authority (GGD) of the region concerned can send the police to investigate with possible involuntary isolation.

Health to you and take care of yourself!

Publication Date: 31.07.2020


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