Home Common Dear regular customers ...

Dear regular customers! 

The reporting period for filing tax returns has begun again. You are sending us your return applications again. However, if you go ...

The reporting period for filing tax returns has begun again. 

You are sending us your return applications again. However, if you go to your personal account on the tax website, you may be unpleasantly surprised by the presence of notifications that your returns for previous years have not been submitted: 

“U hebt het volgende formulier nog niet verstuurd: aangifte inkomstenbelasting 201 *”

Do not be scared! 

This is just an incorrect display of the status. 

Unfortunately, the status on the tax office does not change to “filed” if the return was filed through our software. 

If we submitted your declarations over the past years as an intermediary, we did it not through your personal account, but through our program. 

However, in your correspondentie you can see when the tax return was filed and what aanslag was made on it. This means that your declaration has been processed. 

If you still have questions after that, write to us, we will check all the dates and send you the necessary solutions again. 

Sincerely, The Nalog.nl

Publication Date: 08.03.2019



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