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Increase in taxes paid by the employer on the wages of employees

In 2018, many companies with hired employees began to pay more taxes to the budget exactly as employers. Compared with...

In 2018, many companies with hired workers began to pay more taxes to the budget as employers. Compared to 2017, they now have to pay higher wage contributions (algemene premies), including employer contributions under the Health Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet (Zvw)), to the disability fund (Arbeidsongeschiktheidsfonds (Aof)) , as well as a general bonus in case of job loss (algemene werkloosheidspremie (Awf). Depending on the type of activity of the company, the amounts also differ. So, for example, an official with an average salary now costs the employer 23 euros more, and contributions from wages in construction have remained almost unchanged, and on average this year companies pay 21 euros more in monthly contributions per employee.

And some statistics:

Contributions under the Health Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet (Zvw)) were 6,90%, compared to 6,65% in 2017, with an average increase of around € 7 per month.

Contributions to the disability fund (Arbeidsongeschiktheidsfonds (Aof)) increased from 6,66% to 6,77%, and the total unemployment premium (algemene werkloosheidspremie (Awf) increased from 2,64% to 2,81%.

Publication Date: 04.04.2018


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