Various benefits are an important part of the budget of poor Dutch people, so changes in this area affect very wide sections of the population. Governments, including the outgoing Rutte cabinet, are seeking to increase benefits, but the state of the economy limits what can be done. Most benefits will increase next year, but health insurance benefits will decrease.
Rent allowance
The rent allowance will increase. The maximum benefit increase will be 416 euros per year, or almost 35 euros per month. The Benefits Department (Dienst Toeslagen) will inform Huurtoeslag recipients about the changes in writing: letters will start being sent out on November 23 and will end on December 14, 2023.
The possibility of receiving Huurtoeslag depends on the income of the applicant. Some people who were unable to receive housing benefit in 2023 will be able to claim it in 2024. The reason is that the income limit for receiving this benefit has been raised by 1250 euros per year.
Childcare allowance (kinderopvangtoeslag)
Partial reimbursement for kindergarten and childcare costs will increase. This benefit is tied to the time of childcare, so it is set per hour. In kindergartens, the maximum allowance will be 10,25 euros per hour, in extended day groups - 9,12 euros per hour, for other care options - 7,53 euros per hour.
Child-related budget
Child support assistance for low-income families will increase. The maximum increase for an only child will be 750 euros per year (or 62,5 euros per month), for the second and subsequent children the maximum increase will be 883 euros per year.
The amount of the benefit depends on the income of the parents and the age of the children. For children under 12 years of age, the maximum increase will be 694 euros per year, for children from 12 to 17 years old - 924 euros/year.
health care allowance
In 2023, as part of a set of measures to protect purchasing power, the benefit for paying for health insurance was increased. This increase will be canceled in 2024. As a result, benefit recipients will receive on average €300 less per year (or €25 per month).
Check this link to see if you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to! If not, order a benefit registration service right below his description.
Publication date: 07.11.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX