In the second quarter of 2023, 5% more new individual entrepreneurs (eenmanszaak - EMZ) opened a business than in the same period in 2022. This was reported by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel - KvK). True, in the previous three quarters, growth was higher, but the trend towards an increase in the number of self-employed continues.
Interestingly, in the provinces, the growth in the number of entrepreneurs exceeds that in the Randstad agglomeration, which includes the cities of Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam and Utrecht. Previously, the leaders were North and South Holland. However, the growth in the number of newly registered EMZs there has now slowed down. On the other hand, Groningen showed excellent growth dynamics.
The greatest growth in entrepreneurship is in the retail sector, including via the Internet. In second place is the provision of business services: about 25% of all entrepreneurs who have registered EMZ are going to work in this area. Some negative dynamics was demonstrated by the registration of self-employed in the healthcare sector.
Most entrepreneurs - 83% - register self-employment without the involvement of employees. The growth in the number of EMZs indicates that people increasingly want not only to provide for themselves and their families financially, but also want to get maximum personal freedom. An individual entrepreneur, unlike an employee, can choose clients and set himself a convenient work schedule.
Entrepreneurship allows you to earn a living, but it also carries some dangers. In order not to make mistakes when registering EMZ and doing business, visit the webinar conducted by the head of our company - Svetlana Koshek. Registration for the webinar here:.
Publication date: 10.08.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX