Highly skilled migrants will be able to complete all formalities in one day - but so far only in Nijmegen - Nalog.nl BV
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Highly skilled migrants will be able to go through all the formalities in one day - but so far only in Nijmegen

From January 5, 2023, a reception and processing center for applications for the right to...

Since January 5, 2023, a point for receiving and processing applications for the right to reside in the Netherlands from highly qualified foreigners has been opened on the Radboud University campus in Nijmegen. 

The point will work on the principle of a single window, which will allow highly qualified foreign specialists to go through all the stages of registration quickly. The municipality of Nijmegen and the Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Service (Immigratie en Naturalisatiedienst - IND) promise that all formalities - from registration in the municipal database of personal records (Basisregistratie Personen - BRP) to obtaining a residence document - can indeed be completed in 1 day. 

The opening of the Könis Migrant Service Center took place with the active assistance of the Lifeport organization (official website here). Employees from Radboud University will work at the Lifeport Welcome Center (LWC) in Nijmegen. More news for kenismigrants - in our article.

Nalog.nl reminds you that tax filing season is approaching! Contact us for help, and your declaration will be qualitatively drawn up and submitted to the tax office in a timely manner.


Publication date: 06.01.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX


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