The team continues to inform the people of the Netherlands about the changes that await them in 2023. Previous articles about expected changes can be found here.
In addition to the changes described earlier, effective January 1, 2023:
- Drivers and passengers of mopeds and electric bicycles will be required to wear standard helmets. It is believed that this will reduce the number of serious injuries and deaths on the roads. Passengers of these modes of transport, traveling without a helmet, will be fined 100 euros.
- The mandatory technical inspection of vehicles will include checking the particulate filters of diesel cars, on which such a filter is provided for by design. It is believed that this measure will help reduce emissions of particulate matter into the atmosphere by 121 tons per year.
- Industrial packaging manufacturers will be required to collect and recycle their packaging that ends up in industrial waste. This measure is already in place for household packaging. In addition, from January 5, manufacturers of balloons, wet wipes, tobacco products, plastic bags, glasses and other similar products will also be required to recycle their products that have become garbage. These measures are aimed at reducing the total volume of garbage and the impact of plastic on the environment.
- From January 12, new EU requirements for the quality of tap water will come into force. In particular, the quality of water in water pipes using lead pipes will be checked with particular care. Over time, the EU plans to stop using such water pipes and replace them with pipes made from safe materials.
- Starting January 1, subsidies for electric cars will resume. Buyers of such vehicles will be able to save: when buying a used electric car - 2000 euros, and if the car is new, then 2950 euros. For such subsidies, the government has allocated more than 99 million euros. By the way, find out about government plans on taxation of vehicle mileage. In addition, 32 million euros have been allocated to subsidize entrepreneurs who buy trucks and vans that run on electricity or hydrogen, and 36 million euros have been allocated to subsidies to companies that purchase special vehicles that do not emit nitrogen compounds. Learn more about the benefits for businesses using sustainable transport in our article.
- 1,5 million euros have been allocated in subsidies to municipalities for the development of public transport. Applications can be submitted from January 1st. These subsidies can be used to train "public transport ambassadors" - volunteers who help people, including the elderly and the disabled, get used to using public transport. Subsidies can also be used to scale up projects that will provide more people with access to public transport. The more people in the Netherlands use collective rather than individual means of transport, the less emissions will be released into the environment.
- €22 million is allocated to carriers using water or rail transport. The measure is aimed at reducing the use of trucks and, accordingly, harmful emissions. Carriers will be able to request a subsidy of 20 euros for each container transported or the equivalent of this volume transported in bulk.
- 217 million euros are allocated for subsidies to companies investing in environmentally friendly technologies and production. Such investments can be deducted from taxable income.
The team will continue to help its clients in 2023. You can book a consultation here:. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, we wish you happiness and prosperity!
Publication date: 04.01.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX