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Partner parental leave

From August 2, 2022, the possibilities for parents to receive leave related to the birth of a child and childcare have changed somewhat....

From August 2, 2022, the possibilities for parents to receive leave related to the birth of a child and childcare have changed somewhat.

In the Netherlands, each of the working parents of a child, including the father, can take advantage of the following parental leave options:


  1. Leave in connection with the birth of a child - 1 week; can be given within 4 weeks of birth; paid by the employer; salary for the period of vacation - 100%. Vacation time is agreed with the employer. It is not necessary to inform the State Employment Insurance Agency (Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen (UWV))
  2. Extended maternity leave - 5 weeks; can be provided within 6 months of birth; paid UWV; salary for the period of vacation - 70%. The employer applies to the UWV and receives money which they pay to the worker.
  3. Parental leave (the possibility of obtaining this leave appeared from August 2, 2022) - 9 weeks; may be granted within 1 year of birth; paid UWV; salary for the period of vacation - 70%. The employer applies to the UWV and receives money which they pay to the worker. This leave, unlike the others, can be taken for each born twin, provided that the marriage is officially registered. If the marriage is civil, the general rules apply.
  4. Parental leave - 17 weeks; can be granted within 8 years of birth; unpaid. Vacation time is agreed with the employer. You do not need to inform UWV. If you haven't taken 9 weeks of partially paid leave, you can take 8 weeks of unpaid leave until your child is 26 years old.
Pay attention! The number of children born at the same time usually does not affect the length of the vacation. For the birth of twins, only the same leave can be granted as for the birth of one child.

The total duration of parental leave is not more than 32 weeks. 15 working weeks of vacation are paid, one week is paid by the employer at 100%, and 14 weeks is paid by UWV at 70% of earnings. 

Look video on the subject on our YouTube channel.

If you have any questions, please contact Nalog.nl for consultation.

Publication Date: 04.08.2022


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