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The Dutch are hit by a downpour of notices from the tax authorities

Residents in the Netherlands report receiving blue envelopes from the tax office en masse. Often such envelopes arrive one after another. Naturally,...

Residents in the Netherlands report receiving blue envelopes from the tax office en masse. Often such envelopes arrive one after another. Naturally, this worries taxpayers, but there is no need to worry especially much - the flow of letters is caused by the inconsistency of work in the system of tax authorities.

Blue envelopes come one by one because the systems of the Tax and Customs services for working with taxpayers are not connected to each other and perform their functions in parallel. As a result, the Dutchman can, for example, receive a letter about the accrual of a particular tax to him, and the next day another letter that this accrued amount can be written off. In a couple of days, another letter may arrive with a request to inform the tax office of your account number, etc.

In addition, letters are sent through different communication channels. As a result, the taxpayer reads them repeatedly - first in electronic form, and then in paper form. Many Dutch people are in favor of creating a single electronic system for distributing notices from the tax authorities. In addition to eliminating confusion, such a system would help save paper, and, accordingly, improve the ecology of the country and the planet.

Representatives of the tax department report that work on the digitalization of systems is underway, and soon the Dutch will be able to choose the type of mail (digital or regular) to which notifications and letters will be sent. However, specific completion dates have not been announced. For now, the Dutch will have to put up with the fact that blue envelopes will come in large quantities.

Nalog.nl provides tax, accounting and legal services to individuals and legal entities in the Netherlands. Find out, how to use this help.

Publication Date: 20.06.2022


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